A well known & distinguished social worker of Indore M.P. Working for Health & Education of Children, Population Control & Women Upliftment.
59 Years
Shri Dilip Bhandari(Government Servent - S.D.O.P)
Recipient of President Medal for Gallantry - 2004.
M.Sc. Botany 1976 from D.A.V.V University, Indore.
M.A. English Literature 1981 from D.A.V.V. University,Indore.
Cultural Doctorate in Literature from world University, Roundcable, Benson, Arizona,U.S.A.
D.Ed-2001 from D.A.V.V University Indore.
Throughout first class student
Topped District Guna in Class 8th.
Got Gold Medal for securing highest mark In whole M.P
Recipient of another Gold Medal for Securing highest mark in in M.A. English Literature - 1981 from D.A.V.V. Indore.
Cleared M.P.P.S.C. - 1983 in first attempt for the post of District Collector but could not joined due to family responsibility.
Distinction in five subject in D.Ed. - 2001.
PRESIDENT - Thalassemia and child Welfare Gruop, Indore
A ; social service registered organization founded by Smt.Bhandari working for Health & Education of needy children.
Member Dist. Monitory team made by appropriate authority PC PNDT act 1994.
Director Index Medical College.
Founder Member - Cancer Care Trust.
Fellow Member of M.S.P.I. New Delhi.
Patron of Jan Parishad, Bhopal.
Life Member - Malwa Rose Society.
Member - National Organization for Tobacco Eradication , Indore Chapter.
Member - Writer Bank of Blind.
Member - Lioness Club of Indore Greater.
Secretary, Lioness Club of Indore Greater - 1991-92.
President Lioness Club of Indore Greater - 1994-95.
P.R.O. Lioness District 323G - 1995-96.
Multipal Chairperson for Adult Education - 1995-96.
Regional Coordinator - 1996-97.
Multiple Project Chairperson - 1997-98.
Multipal District P.R.O. - 1997-98.
District P.R.O. - 1998-99.
President , Lion Club Indore Ahilya - 1998-99.
Activity Chairperson , Lion Cabinet - 1999-2000
Multipal District Chairperson for National Integration-2000 2001.
District Vice President - 2001-2002.
PRESIDENT-Lioness District 323G-(2001-02)An international organization of (Lion Club) female branch working nall over Madhya Pradesh and child Uplifment Sight first and handicapped.
Multiple District 323 Secretary in the year 2005-06.
Convener of Women Welfare Committee. Human Rights Commission Complaint Division Indore.
Madhya Pradesh Women Rights Commission Network Indore.
Excellent Lady 2001 - by Jan parishad , Bhopal honoured by Governor of Madhya Pradesh.
Top Eleven Lady of Madhya Pradesh - Name included in top eleven ladies of Madhya Pradesh -2001 according to survey made by Jan Parishad Bhopal.
Excellent District President - 2001-2002 declared in Multiple District Convention held in Raipur on 27th , 28th April 2002.
Best Active Lioness of the whole multiple - 1994-95.
As a Leader of Best Social Service Group of Indore District honoured by shri Digvijay Singh Chief Minister of M.P. in 1997.
Excellent Award in Social Work by MSPI , New Delhi in 1998.
Awarded 'Sewa Ratna' by Bharat Vikas Parishad.
Cultural Doctorate in Literature by World Univercity , Roundcable, Benson, Arizona. U.S.A. - 1998.
Honoured by Sewa Mandire for distinguished and personalised services provided for upliftment of Deaf & Dumb Children.
For Distinguished Social Services honoured by Inner Wheel Club of Indore Uptown.
Pradesh Shree' in 2002 by Jan Parishd Bhopal for distinguished services.
Name included among Top 25 Leading Personalities of M.P.
Best Co-operation to Lioness Multiple District as a secretary honoured by Lion International Director Mr. Ashok Mehta in Convention held at Udaipur on 14th & 15th April 06.
Nominated for Women of Year & Great Indian Achiever Award ;by American Biographical Society in 2004 & 2005.
On 26th March 2006 - awared with TVS Suzuki Pep Vehical as a Bumper Prize by Dainik Bhasker - a leading Newspaper. This reward was for message written by me on International Women's Day i.e. 8th March 2006.
Ojasawini & Sadi Se Sarokar - two leading magazines of M.P. published detailed interview with photograph as a social worker of Mrs. Bhandari.
Got Indira Gandhi Award on 19th November 2007 for distinguished services provided to Thalassemic patients 'A State level' recongition.
Honoured P.T. education (A leading education center for M.B.A having branches all over india) on 5th September 07 as Eminent Social Worker.
Awarded on 26th Jan 2009 by local administrtion i.e. Collector of Indore for outstanding social service in the field of health & education and population control.
Nominated by 94.3 FM for My Women of Indore Award on 8th ;March 2009, the Internatiional women's day.
Among five finalist for Nayika Award 2009 as a social worker. This award was announced by Nai Dunia. A leading NewsPaper.
Awarded Mata Gujri Award on 22nd Dec. 2011 - a state level recognition - 51000 rs. cash + shawl + momento.
Includeed in ICON OF INDORE 2012, a Coffee Table Book Published By DNA Newspaper.
Lioness of the year 1987-88.
Best work in Education – 1987-88.
Well Dressed Lady.
Lioness of the year – 1988-89.
Highest Fund Raising.
Best Director.
As a Editor of Club Magazine.
For special co-operation in social activities.
Maximum support & Attendance.
Most outstanding Secretary of Lions Zone.
Best Secretary of Lions Regions.
Most outstanding Secretary - Lioness Regions conference.
Best Secretary – Lioness District
Best President in Lions Zone.
Best Magazine in Lions Zone.
Best President in Lions Region.
Best work in Education.
Best Club President in Lions District.
Best Club Magazine in Lions District.
Best M.M.&A. Report.
Best Work in Lioness District Project.
Best Magzine in Lioness District.
Highest Fund Raising.
Best Permanent Project.
Maximum nos. of Social Services Activities.
Best Work for Handicapped.
All Rounder Best Club.
All Rounder Best Club President on Lioness District.
Reading , Writing & Driving.
Frequent Radio Programmer.
Variuos Article published in Newspaper & Club Magazine.
Was a Column writer in evening Newspaper 'Apna Indore’ for ;two years.
Regularly written for ‘ Bathe-Thale’ in NavBharat, a leading
Article published in ‘Nirogdham’
Various letters published in column-letters to editor of
Naiduniya’ ‘Danik Bhasker’ ‘NavBharat’ & ‘Dainik Jagran’.
Acted in 3 Documentory Flims made by Bhopal Doordarshan on Thalassemia, Asthama and AIDS .
Great India Achiever 1999 published by MSPI , New Delhi.
Directory published by Deshbandhu , Bhopal.
Leading Ladies of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh published by Jan Parishad Bhopal 2001-2002.
Asia Pacific who's who Volume III by Rifacimento International ;New Delhi.
Indo American who's who Volume III published by F.I. Publication New Delhi.
Asian/American who's who Volume II by Rifacimento International , New Delhi.
Asia Pacific who's who of Professional and Business Women Published by American Biographical institute North Caroline ;USA - 2003.
International who's who of Professional and Business Women Published by American Biographical institute North Caroline USA - 2003.
Asia Men & Women of Achievement - 2003 Published by Bookwell publishers & Distributor New Delhi.
Pradip Bhandari Profile
Mr. Pradip Bhandari
Electronics and Communication graduate from Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal.
Public policy graudate from Takshashila Institution.
About Me
The former Daly College student has a diverse experience in the field of technology ,social entrepreneurship start ups, supporting youth business and social entrepreneurship start ups ,and in entertainment and public policy fields.
He has bagged the Young Leader Award at the 1st Youth Parliament held in 2014 in Delhi and proved his public speaking skill by winning various Model United Nations across the country in the past two years.
He actively writes for the Indore based daily -"Global Herald " on invitation .
His involvement with the organization has helped impart vigour and strength ,which is evident from the watershed "Man ka kanoon",the largest pan India awareness initiative on Swatchta done by the organization on 14th February ,2015.
Today at Shubhadeep nursing college our thalassemia awareness program 2pm dr Kishore chandki our chief medical advisor will present a ppt on thalassemia aim of this movement is to motivate students to get their blood test before marriage I am happy to write that this is our 51 program we have completed fifty already starting it again after gap of one year
बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ
This is our 182 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in government uchhatar girls school village kampel large no of girls and all female staff attended this program on sexual abuse with teen age girls one line massage was be awake be aware be alert
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After completing 181 schools this is - nav adarsh vidhya niketan is the only school in which girls of class 12th commerce wrote one line massage given by me on the black board of their class - be aware be awake be alert
Today’s program was a great success as 350 girls attended this thanks to our active member firdose nahid for contacting this school , very supportive principal anita singh and all staff this is our bbbp aur use samjhao program against sexual abuse with teen age girls
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Completely today 180 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in vidhyadham school thanks to pushpa agrawal for joining with me
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Very large number of girls 400 attended our 179 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sharada kanya higher secondary school , very good staff teachers all attended thanks to principal seema jain and sunayna sharma its our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls thanks to rekha dubey also who proposes vote of thanks very successful program
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Proudly announcing successful presentation of 178 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in shive convent gulab bag colony today on 8.1.25 thanks pushpa rane and prabha tiwari for attending it with me
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We completed today on 7.1.25 177 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in divvya convent thanks farida kaul prabha tiwari and pushpa rane for attending with me
All girls very very attentive while listening to me , our aim is to educate teen age girls about all safety measures and knowledge about sexual abuse with them
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We also did one more episode in p m rise government school hatod this is our 176 th episode today on 6.1.25 very good attendance of girls who were very much attentive while i was giving them knowledge on topic , beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao thanks to sanyojak pushplata joshi ji
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Today on 6.1.25 we completed our 175 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in divine school hatod sanyojak pushplata joshi thanks to director diksha sharma
One line massage was be awake be aware be alert this is our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls
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We completed today our 174 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in divine public school sanyojak pushplata joshi , this is our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls , principal vijay sharma was very supportive, his daughter diksha also thanks to pushplata joshi madam for proposing vote of thanks
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Very successful 173 rd episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sacred heart school , very disciplined girls well arranged program very mannered principal, thanks to farida kaul for proposing vote of thanks . As u all know that we are running this awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls
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We completed today our 172 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in indore advance arun acedemy school rau . Sanyojak firdose nahid thanks to director of school kiran suryvanshi
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Thanks dear firdose for arranging today our 171 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in prerna public school rau , very innocent girls with no knowledge about this sensitive issue special thanks to principal alka saxena madam
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TWe are proudly announcing completion of our 170 episode. This episode was arranged by sanyojak most active purnima raut in gyansagar vidhya niketan school
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We completed 169 episode on 6.11.24 at bhaskar acedemy, beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao is our awareness program for teen age girls in this we make them aware about all points about safety against sexual abuse we wanted to thank mr soni director of bhaskar acedemy for his support thanks to purnima raut for arranging it
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This is our 168 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in brilliant acedemy school thanks to principal mishra madam and sanyojak purnima raut , as we are running this awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls 250 girls from class 5th to 12 attended this
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Thanks dear purnima raut for keeping our 167 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in carrer acedemy school very large number of well disciplined girls attended our awareness program thanks to rashmi madam also
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This is our 166 th episode in vadhya vardhi highier secondary school sanyojak purnima raut large no of girls attended this session on sexual abuse aim was to educate teen age girls with all kind of safety measure one line massage was जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है a girl should - be aware be awake and be alert
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Today ,s 165 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in adarsh shishu vihar highier secondary school was a great success , large no of girls from class fifth to twelve attended this program about sexual abuse with teen age girls thanks to principal sandhya bhatt madam and our dear member prerna shentre for arranging it , one line massage was be aware be awake and be alert
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Thanks farida kaul madam for keeping this 164 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in choitram school north campus nearly five hundred girls attended this session on sexual abuse with teen age girls special thanks to pramila sharma madam co ordinator for activities and principal amit trivedi sir , warm welcome by all teachers and tasty food made this episode memorable
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This is our 163 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in keser devi school mhow thanks to digvijay ji owner of school and farida kaul and pushpa agrawal for attending it and making it a success
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We have completed 162 episode of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in gov middle school bhavna nagar on 8.10.24 thanks to chanda sharma for coming with me and principal devendra chauhan for giving us permission this is our awareness program about sexual abuse with teen age girls one line massage for girls - be aware be awake and be alert
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Today completed 161 episodes of bbbp aur use samjhao in vedant vidhukulam thanks to sanyojak prerna shentre special thanks to negi sir and principal sarasvat sir
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This is our 160 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in k b patel gujrati girls higher secondary school , its our awareness program on sexual abuse with teen age girls - aim of this to educate them about all kinds of saftey . Five hundred girls attended this sanyojak was firdose nahid member of TCWG thanks to principal sweta tagde and all staff for support purnima raut proposes vote of thanks
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We are proudly announcing completion of 159 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao today in matusri ahilya school manglia , its our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls thanks to principal anita kanchan for support and purnima raut for attending with me and proposing vote of thanks
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We completed today our 158 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in new golden highier secondary school , thanks to our member pushpa agrawal for taking permission, thanks to farida kaul madam for joining me and helping me , this was very satisfying episode as girls were very attentive, one line massage was - be awake be aware and be alert
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We completed today our 157 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Saint John school rau , sanyojak farida kaul thanks to chauhan sir for giving us permission one line massage for all girls was be aware be awake and be alert
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This is our 156 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov high school khajrana thanks to principal alpana arya madam and our members firdose nahid and prerna shentre
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This is our 155 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov middle girls school no 20 khajrana thanks to principal lusia madam , sunita saxena and firdose nahid attended this knowledge giving session on sexual abuse with teen age girls, many girls attended it
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Today in vidhya children acedemy H.S school we completed our 154 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao . Thanks to principal divya ji and our member sandhya panchayti
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Thanks firdose for organising today our 153 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sardar Patel school campus three . Thanks to madam mamta principal of school , all girls were very attentive in listening to all safety measures about sexual abuse with teen age girls
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This is our 152 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sardar patel international school campus two , thanks to principal manmeet madam ,nearly 200 girls attended this awareness program about sexual abuse with teen age girls sanyojak of program was firdose nahid - member of TCWG dr rajni bhandari conducted this program
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After reopening of schools we started again our awareness program in schools- today we organise it in sri sri ravishankar vidhyalaya , it is our 151 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao . This is awareness program for teen age girls against sexual abuse . Thanks to principal kanchan tare and all staff girls from class 5 th to 11 th attended it - one line massage was - be aware be awake and be alert sandhya panchayti proposes vote of thanks and dr rajni bhandari conducted the session
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We completed today our 150 th episode of of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in sardar patel international school thanks to principal rathor sir acedemuc director manju vyas madam for giving us permission and rupali madam for arranging in very nice manner special thanks to our member firdose for giving me company and proposing vote of thanks this is our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls with one line massage - be aware be alert and be awake - जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है
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Today we completed our 149 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in shaskiya ucchatar vidhyalay joshi guradiya , girls were not at all aware of any point about their safety with sexual abuse , thanks to pushpa agrawal for giving me company, thanks to ambaram sir for organising
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Today we completed our 148 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in karnataka vidhya niketan school thanks to principal lata oza madam and our member firdose nahid who is sanyojak of today event , we convey all teen age girl a massage- be alert be awake be aware , this is awareness event against sexual abuse with teen age girls
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We completed our 147 th episode in Delhi world public school dhar on 13 February. Special thanks to directors of school girish bedikar sir and poonam madam for giving us permission to talk with teen age girls of their school , its our awareness event with one line massage to all girls be alert be awake be aware , thanks to principal lalima tiwari ji for full support and thanks to chanda sharma also for joining as member of TCWG
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On 6 th February we completed our 146 th episode in government high school simrole it was very successful as all girls were well mannered and dressed neatly, aim of this program is to educate teen age girls about all safety measures against sexual abuse thanks to pushpa agrawal for giving me company
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We did our 145 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in government middle school simrole thanks to principal manohar singh chauhan and ambaram sir for arranging it , pushpa agrawal proposes vote of thanks
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We completed our 144 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov high school ralamandal very good experience in a government school good bhilding neat and well dressed girls sincere teachers thanks to principal sandhya jaysawal sanyojak prerna shentre organise it so well that i feel very satisfied one line massage for all teen age girls is be alert be awake be aware
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This is our 143 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov middle school tejajinagar thanks to principal ashok Kumravet for giving us permission . This is a program with aim जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है sanyojak prerna shentre proposes vote of thanks
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We completed today our 142 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov high school village tillore . Large no of girls attend ed this session with massage be alert be awake and be aware thanks to sanyojak prerna shentre and abha madam
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We completed today our 141 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov middle school village bihadia thanks to sheela madam for giving us permission and many thanks to prerna shentre for keeping it as sanyojak
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Today we completed 140 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sicca school scheme no 78 special thanks to savitri babu madam owner rajni upreti vice principal patel sir principal and our dear farida kaul for this very successful session against sexual abuse - one line massage was be aware be alert and be awake
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This is our 139 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sicca school nipaniya , special thanks to principal valecha madam and sanyojak farida kaul madam it was session with ending massage to all teen age girls Be aware be alert and be awake chanda sharma our member proposes vote of thanks and reena mehra madam conducted this episode dr rajni bhandari was main speaker
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Today we condected our 138 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sicca school vijaynagar we want to thank sanyojak farida kaul for organising a very successful event , our sincere thanks to principal suja madam for giving us permission and special thanks to vandana mehta who is member of TCWG and also from sicca school large no of teen age girls attended this session on saftey measures against sexual measure
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This is our 137 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Baba public school , thanks member of TCWG firdose nahid for keeping this program-its very important to teach and educate every girl about safety measures against sexual abuse , one line massage for all girls is - be alert be aware and be awake जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है
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Completion of 136 th episode today in CM rise school shivnagar is a big achievement of us , thanks to principal mr baghel and vice principal shalini soni madam . Very good well managed episode , as u all know this is our awareness program for teen age girls . Aim is to make them aware of all points so thar they can be safe against sexual abuse
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Today we did our 135 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in government school village datoda very very successful event as large no of girls thanks to chanda sharma for joining and principal shalini dubey for giving us permission all staff very supportive
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We completed our 134 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in satguru vidhya niketan high school on 22 dec thanks to purnima raut for organising it , its our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls
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Completed today on 21 st December our 133 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in vedansh international school . Thanks to principal renu madam and our member farida kaul for organising it . Very large no of girls attended this session on awareness against sexual abuse . Massage was Be alert be aware and be aware. Chanda sharma proposes vote of thanks
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We completed today 132 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in mehar public school pithampur - thanks to principal Anna michel for allowing us to talk with all girls about saftey and prevention measure against sexual abuse with teen age girls . Thanks to farida kaul for organising it
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We are announcing completion of 131 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao today on 2 December in Malhar progressive school palda , very good attendance of girls , its a awareness event of TCWG against sexual abuse . Massage for girls ix - be awake be aware and be alert , chanda sharma and sandhya panchayti were with me , thanks to principal umesh malhar ji
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We completed today our 130 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in shivkripa school . Sanyojak firdose nahid - this is our awareness program to teach teen age girls all safety points and measures to be taken about sexual abuse . Girls are very innocent and agnorant also about this . Knowledge is essential for them , we are happy TCWG is running this awareness program
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Today we completed 129 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in bombay public school oxax1 and singapur campus jointly very good staff and girls thanks to firdose who was sanyojak and thanks to prerna also for being with me always this episode ends with one line massage to all teen age girt- be aware , be awake and be alert - जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है thanks to principal of both schools
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This is our 128 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in bombay high school in which girls of both branches one of mahalaxmi nagar and nyay nagar participated thanks to principal s reena ji and jyoti ji for support sanyojak was our member firdose nahid
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It was attended by 380 girls of Advance Acedemy school , this was our 127 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao special thanks to principal mrs tomer abd director of school mrs rai for giving us permission and very warm welcome , I conducted a session on sexual abuse with teen age girls and covered all points which are needed to be known to ever girl , purnima raut proposes vote of thanks and prerna shentre gifted book khushbu to director madam
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We are proudly announcing completion of 126 episode today in vedic bal niketan thanks to firdose nahid who is sanyojak of today’s event this is our awareness program against sexual abuse with teen age girls , we named it beti bacho beti padhao aur use samjhao
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Thanks firdose nahid for organising it in mahaveer convent highier secondary school , it was our 125 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao successful episode
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This is our 124 th episode of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in government middle school palda thanks prerna for arranging and sandhya for attending
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Today we did our 123 rd episode in rajat jayanti highier sec school , thanks to principal ritesh chandani sir , as u all know it is our awareness program started to make teen age girls aware and knowledgeable about sexual abuse , sanshya panchayti proposes vote of thanks . Pushpa agrawal also attended it here are pictures
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Very successful and well arranged 122 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in index international school large number of girls, our banner was displayed on beautifully decorated board , thanks to principal shyam agrawal ji , chanda sharma pushpa agrawal attended this with me
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Our 121 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sarasvati school tilaknagar sanyojak purnima raut thanks to padma Vijayvergiye also who attended it
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Our 120 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in janta school sanyojak purnima raut
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Today on 22 august we did our 119 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sanmati school . It was a great success, we thank to principal archana sharma and all school for such nice arrangements, I conducted a fifty minutes session on sexual abuse with teen age girls tried to give them all knowledge which is needed at this age , purnima raut proposes vote of thanks thanks to padma Vijayergiya for attending with us - see pictures
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Today we did our 118 th episode if bbbp aur use samjhao in nipaniya madhymik gov school sanyojak sunita saxena very good attendance and obedient girls who listen all points very silently, thanks prerna for attending this with us here are pictures
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TCWG made a landmark by completing 117 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao on 5 august at pagnis paga high school indore . Its our awareness event about sexual abuse with teen age girls , our aim is to make them aware about it , we are getting support of all schools, padma Vijayergiya and sandhya panchayti were my fellow member who attended this 117 th episode
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Completed today 116 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in choitram senior school sanyojak farida kaul
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Today we completed 115 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Garima Vidhya higher secondary school , it was a super success with more than 500 girls auditorium was full , director and principal very good teachers also highly supportive, chanda sharma and farida kaul attended with me
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We completed today on 1 august our 114 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sunrise inter garden high school large no of girls attended it , director mr bhadoria was very supportive thanks to sanyojak firdose nahid
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Today on 28 july we completed our 113 rd episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov high school vinoba nagar sanyojak prerna shentre sushma malik also attended it , thanks to ratna madam and all staff for warm welcome
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Today was our 112 th episode if bbbp aur use samjhao in choitram school , it was attended by 250 girls , very good attendance and all teachers were very supportive, this is out TCWG program for teen age girls to make them aware about sexual abuse , farida kaul was the organising parson who did it so well
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We completed our 111 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov high school khajrana nearly three hundred girls attended this talk about safety measures against sexual abuse with girls of teen age . Thanks firdose for arranging this program
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Today we completed our 110 va episode of bbbp aur use ssmjhao in neeraj bal mandir higher secondary school , thanks sandhya panchayati and pushpa agrawal for joining thanks to principal priyanka agrawal very neet and clean school and girls also well mannered
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Today we completed 109 episode in vidhya sagar acedemy, it is about sexual abuse with teen age girls , massage for girls was - be aware be awake be alert sanyojak was firdose nahid , sunita saxena was also with us
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Today we completed 108 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov highier secondary school no 41 chitavad , chanda sharma and prerna shentre attended it
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Our 107 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in urdu school ajad nagar very good session sandhya panchayti sushma malik attened with us myself delivered complete information about all safety for girls , to be safe from sexual abuse , thanks prerna shentre for organising it
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Our 106 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov middle school ajad nagar sanyojak prerna shentre sandhya panchayti and sushma malik was with me - massage was Be alert Be aware and Be awake जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है
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Completed today 105 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in bijalpur high school its our awareness program against sexual abuse with girls of age five to fifteen, massage to girls was be aware be awake and be alert
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104 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in DC memorial high school , very good gathering of girls . Very good session, thanks to sanyojak prabha tiwari di
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Today we completed 103 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov . Middle school vijaynagar , sanyojak Prabha tiwari , thanks pushpa agrawal for attending it
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We completed 102 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov girls school no 26 banganga , thanks to deepa madam and pushpa agrawal and chanda sharma
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We have achieved our target infact we surpassed it , today 101 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in seventh day public school arranged by prerna shentre very undarstanding girls
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We completed today our 100th episode of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in bal vinay mandir school , attending by many girls, it was e great success, chanda sharma firdose nahid sandhya panchayti pushplata joshi attended it with me , massage was Be aware Be awake Be alert जागरूकता में ही सावधानी है thanks to sanshya vinayaka madam for giving us permission
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Completed 99 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in ssint umer school sanyojak firdose nahid this was a very successful session attended by five hundred girls from class fifth to twelve
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Today 98 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao was a grand success because it was attended by three hundred girls of gov girls higher secondary school rau . Thanks to principal mr dawar for giving us permission farida kaul proposes vote of thanks . It is a awareness program against sexual abuse with girls from age of five to fifteen, organised by TCWG
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Completed 97 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in tirathbai kalachand school it was a very good session with lots of girls, special thanks to puranik madam of school for arranging in very good manner thanks to santojak faruda kaul and member chanda sharma
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Completed 96 th episode today in gov girls higher secondary school kila maidan thanks farida kaul and chanda sharma for giving me company
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We completed 95 episode today in seema public school thanks firdose for arranging and prerna for attending
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Today on 26 th 94 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in asad public school done , sanyojak firdose , thanks dear purnima for attending I am really feeling satisfied to make aware all the girls about sexual abuse
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Today we completed 93 rd episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in royal acedemy indore sanyojak sandhya panchayti - massage for all girls is - be awake be alert and be aware
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Today we completed 92 episode of bbbp aur use samjhso in sita devi school thanks sandhya for organising and pushpa agrawal for attending
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We completed today our 91 st episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in harris public school sanyojak firdose nahid chanda sharma propises vote of thanks
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Today we completed 90th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in winsom public school very good session, thanks pushpa agrawal for giving me company
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Today TCWG complete 89 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in APS , special thanks to firdose for organising and principal firdose for giving permission, very well mannered girls from class forth to tenth attended this event of girls saftey against sexual abuse. Massage was - be aware be alert and be awake
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Our 88th episode of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in life line school , sanyojak was firdose nahid , it is our awareness event against sexual abuse with teen age and small girls , special thanks to farha madam for alkowing us to do in her school , purnima raut proposes vote of thanks
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Today our 87 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sri krishn public school , very disciplined girls and staff sanyojak vandana verma , thanks farida kaul and sushma malik for attending
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Our 86th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in vivekanand higher secondary school thanks purnima for organising it nicely
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Our 85th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in government high school bicholi mardana it was a very good session which covered all points about saftey of girls against sexual abuse . Prerna shentre was sanyojak , sushma malik proposes vote of thanks
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Today 84 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in bicholi hapsi high school very good attendance thanks prerna for arranging and sushma malik madam for attending
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It is our 83 rd episode of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in rajendra nagar girls higher secondary school , many girls participated , this is our on going program against sexual abuse with girls , chanda sharma and farida kaul attended with me
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Our 82 th episode in cresent public school of beti bachobeti padhao aur use samjhao , this is awareness event to make girls aware and awake of every point against sexual abuse , i myself gave lecture about safe and unsafe touch , ways of saftey measures and all other points a girl must know to protect herself from sexual abuse , firdose nahid proposes vote of thanks , pushpa agrawal attended the event with girls of class six to tenth
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81 st episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in jivan jyoti chatravas
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Our 80th episode of bbbpaur use samjhao in harijan chatravas motitabela indore , nearly hundred girls participated, thanks farida kaul madam for joining
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Today our 79 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in saint loysis school sanyojak firdose nahid girls are very innocent it is must to make them aware of every point against sexual abuse and this is aim of our project chanda sharma and prerna shentre attended this event with me
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Today our 78 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in khan bahadur school sanyojak firdose thanks to vimala singhal and pushpa agrawal for attending
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Today our 77 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in ram Krishn paramhans school thanks purnima raut fir arranging and pushpa agrawal and sunita agrawal fir attending
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Today our 76th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in saini vidhya niketan sanyojak purnima raut thanks sunita agrawal and pushpa agrawal for attending
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Our 75 th episode in madhymik school tilak nagar thanks sanyojak prerna shentre for arranging our episode of bbbp aur use samjhao vandana verma sushma malik sandhya panchayti attended with me
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Our 74 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in vivekanand school sanyojak prerna shentre thanks vandana verma sandhya panchayti sushma malik for attending
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Completed 73 rd episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in mahavir bal mandir high school sanyojak firdose nahid chanda sharma praposes vote of thanks and myself conducted this episode
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Today our 72 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in bhagvan das toshnival school palia thanks to farida kaul and chsnda sharma for joining and purnima raut fir arranging
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Today our 71 st episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov school bhuri tekri thanks to sushma malik and prerna shentre i feel today very satisfied because all girls who participated they all are from lower class which are easy target for sexual absuse
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Today our 70 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in crescendo acedemy thanks shakun jain and prerna shentre for joining sanyojak is firdose nahid
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Our 69 th episode in new pink flower school its our beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao thanks to shanta soni faruda kaul and firdose fir giving support
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Today our 68 th episode of bbbp aur use sanjhao in new era public school khandwa road more than 100 girls attended this , thanks chanda sharma and chandrakanta jain
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Today our 67th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in laurels school thanks purnima raut prabha tiwari and anjul kansal for support
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Today our 66 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao alflah school khajrana sanyojak firdose nahid chanda sharma sandhya panchayti prerna shentre attended with me
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Today we completed 65 th episode in kasturba kanya higher sec school firdose chanda sharma and sunita saxena attended with me . This is our awareness program against sexual abuse with girls . We named it as बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ
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Very successful 64 th episode if bbbp aur use samjhao in prince convent mayur nagar thanks farida kaul for presance all girls dressed in yellow uniforms looked very beautiful as today is vasant panchami
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Tiday our 63 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in ad sunshine school thanks farida kaul and chanda sharma
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Today our 62 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in savitri kala mandir higher sec school sanyojak padma kothari farida kaul and chanda sharma attended with me
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Today our 61 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in tagore vidhya peeth sanyojak prerna shentre thanks firdose for giving your presence thanks to principal sir
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Our 60th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in sarasvati school new dwarkapuri indore sanyojak chanda sharma chandrakanta jain attended with me
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Our 59th episode in saint joseph convent middle section sanyojak chanda sharma thanks farida kaul and chandrakanta jain for conducting with me
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Today our 58th episode in ilva school sanyojak firdose nahid its bbbp aur use samjhao
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Our 57th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov girls school no 35 musakhedi sanyojak sunita saxena firdose nahid and sandhya panchayti attended this event
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Our 56 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in saint joseph convent higher sec school dwarkapuri indore sanyojak chanda sharma many girls followed very carefully all points . Thanks rekha jain for attending
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Our 55th event of bbbp aur use samjhao in vivekanand higher sec. school thanks to principal bela tandon and seema kitesthane farida kaul anjul kansal for conducting with me
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Our 54th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in abhakunj welfare society thanks to dr lalita sharma for support and dr anjul kansal and rekha agrawal if TCWG for attending
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Today our 53 episode if bbbp aur use samjhao in Sri Ram Centennial school sanjyojak farida kaul thanks to firdose and purnima raut for attending special thanks to principal bhavna pujari
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Our 52 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov urdu kanya shala no 8 . Sanyojak firdose nahid chandrakanta jain and sunita saxena also with me
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Very successful 51st episode in gov. new malav kanya higher sec school many girls and very good staff thanks to chandrakanta jain chanda sharma sandhya panchayti it is our bbbp aur use samjhao
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Proudly announcing completion of 50 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in indore christian highier secondary school sanyojak chanda sharma chandrakanta jain attended with me
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Our 49th event of bbbp aur use samjhao gov school model village lalbag indore thanks chandrakanta jain chanda sharma for joining
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Our 48th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in rajkiya bal sarakchad ashram thanks amita mishra sunita agrawal and purnima raut for joining
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Our 47th episode of beti bachao beti padhao aur use samjhao in masihi school purnima raut prerna shentre seema kotesthene attended and conducted with me
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Our 46 th episode in saint andrews diosan engligh medium school thanks purnima for arranging and seema kotesthane farida kaul and pushpa agrawal for joing
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Today we have completed 45 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao it was in princton school anoop nagar thanks to firdose for arranging and purnima and prerna for attending with me .as u all this is against sexual harassement with girls aim and objective of this is to teach girls all safety measures
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Our 44th episode of bbbp ayr use samjhao in namdev panjvani school sunita bansal chanda sharma pushpa agrawal joined with me
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This is our 43 episode of beti bachao beti padhao in alpine acedemy thanks to principal vasanti bisht and director kamlesh chauhan . Sanyojak was purnima raut firdose proposed vote of thanks
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Our 42 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in future foundation school sanyojak purnima raut sushma malik and firdose attended with me
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Our 41st episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in gov higher sec school vijaynagar seema kotesthane and purnima raut attended with sanyojak prabha tiwari
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40th episode in Urdu school thanks Firdose for arranging and Chandrakanta Jain for joining
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Our 39 th episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in alpine public school purnima raut and firdose attended with me very good attendace of students
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Our 38th episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in N M memorial school Sanyojak prerna shentre thanks to principal Aruna shah and members of TCWG sandhya Panchayti and Sushma Malik for joining with me
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TCWG organised 37 th bbbp aur use samjhao episode in ncc camp of 1 m p girls battalion in nehrunagar middle school 200 ncc girls cadets attended it I covered all points about girls Saftey against sexual abuse thanks to first commanding officer Shubha and Krisna Bhuria purnima raut sunita saxena and Pushplata joshi of our group also attended it
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36th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in middle girls school Nehru Nagar prabha tiwari Anjul kansal Pushplata joshi conducted with me
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Our 35 th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in pink flower school nanda nagar indore thanks prabha tiwari pushpa rane and Shanta Soni
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This is our 34 th episode in shaskiya vidhyalaya sangam nagar many girls participated lots of thanks to Mrs Kulkarni principal and Chanda sharma with purnima raut members of TCWG for support
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Our 33 episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in Sarasvati school thanks to principal sir and chandrakanta jain
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Our 32 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in green field higher sec school thanks to principal mittal madam , pushpa agrawal Chanda sharma chandrakanta jain for conducting this with me
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Our 31 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in daily mirror public high school indore special thanks to principal Nisha sharma and sushma Malik firdose and purnima for attending and conducting with me
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Our 30th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Bombay public school tulsinagar thanks to kalyani madam and all staff to support us thanks to firdose for organising and santoes vyas sunita saxena Sudha chauhan sandhya Panchayti Farida Kaul for attending
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29th episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in annapurna school it was a very good interactive session win many girls on sexual abuse about Saftey measures precautions and menstrual hygiene dr snenlata shrivastav rekha jain kanta Kala chandrakanta jain attended this special thanks to principal Usha tiwari
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Our 28 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Sarasvati Shishir mandir higher secondary school Sainath colony Sanyojak dr anjhul kansal Asha Jakad
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27th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Pratibha Bal Vidhya Niketan prerna shentre Sushma Malik and Farida Kaul directed girls about protection safety measures and laws regarding sexual abuse
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26th episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Gov school no 22 Sanyojak purnima raut dr Preiti agrawal and Padma Vijayvergiya attended with me its our awareness event against sexual abuse with teenage girls
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25 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in lav Kush Vidhya Vihar sanjtojak purnima shentre Sushma Malik pushpa agrawal also conducted it
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24 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in janta Bal Vidhya mandir ucchater Vidhya Laya Sayojak sunita saxena prerna shentre and Sushma Malik guided students against sexual abuse
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Our 23 rd episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Gov higher sec school pipliahana village . Sanyojak purnima raut rekha jain sunita saxena sunita agrawal with me conducted whole session about girl child Saftey against sexual abuse
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Special thanks to sanjay Kumar malvi sir principal of brilliant higher secondary school for allowing TCWG to arrange 22nd episode of bbbp aur उसे समझाओ in his school it was attended by many girls .thanks to chandrakanta jain Chanda sharma pushpa agrawal and Farida Kaul
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This is our 21st episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in Gov girls higher sec . School sanyogitaganj thanks to Anjul kansal purnima raut and pushpa agrawal for conducting session with me
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TCWG 20th episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in Gov higher sec . school manglia 150 girls attended this thanks to Anjul kansal for arranging & pushpa Rane & prabha tiwari for attending
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19 episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in Gov middle school chitavad thanks purnima raut sandhya Panchayti Farida Kaul
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This is our 18 episode of बेटी बचाओ और उसे समझाओ in gov higher sec .school chitavad . Thanks Chanda sharma pushpa agrawal & sandhya Panchayti for conducting this event with me
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Today's event in Gov school no 43 musakhedi it was our 17 episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ Sanyojak dr Archana shrivastav thanks to sunita saxena sandhya Panchayti Farida Kaul pushpa agrawal for attending
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16 episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in sheshvika school Sanyojak purnima raut , Farida Kaul pushpa agrawal chandrakanta jain conducted this with me .TCWG is running this program to educate girls against sexual abuse
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This was our 15 episode of bbbp aur use samjhao in Dayanand Sarasvati school very informative event conducted with the aim to educate girls about menstrual hygiene , to make them alert about sexual abuse , to make them awake about safety measures to be taken , thanks purnima raut for arranging & prerna shentre firdose Nahid for attending
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Be alert . Be awake & be aware this was the massage convedto all girls of gov school no 29 in 14 episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ what are the precautions , what are the telephone numbers and what self defence techniques every girl should know .TCWG is conducting this event against sexual abuse in girls school Rekha dubey & Farida Kaul asked questions ,it was a successful event
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13 th episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in Madhav Vidhya peeth school , special thanks to principal Nisha Bhatia & purnima raut Farida Kaul pushpa agrawal of TCWG
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Amita mishra & myself talking with girls of rajkiya Bal Sarakchad ashram chavni about safety precaution & measures to be taken against sexual abuse with girls of age group 5 to 15 this is our 12 episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ
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11th episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in talent higher sacondry school Sanyojak pushpa agrawal
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10th episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in neeve -a school for street children we talked about protection prevention against sexual abuse we gave them a massage be aware be alert be awake purnima raut & firdose talked about the topic in detail
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Skit completion on बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ chief guest dr Rajendra Phadke & Sri Raghunandan sharma , ten colleges participated winners awarded , judges - Rachana Johri Anila Gangrade seema vyas special help by dr Usha Ukande Rakhi Chandel sunita saxena purnima raut firdose Nahid Chanda sharma Yasmin event organised jointly by TCWG & Choitram college of nursing
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9th episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in excellent Acedemy Sanyojak nilam jat Sudha Chauhan prerna shentre attended with me
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8th episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in Shree Madhav Vidhya peeth , special thanks to principal Nisha bhatia , Sanyojak purnima raut , rekha jain Rajlaxmi Maheshvari Farida Kaul Chanda sharma conducted the event with me
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7th episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in Gerald public school , Sanyojak firdose Nahid , sunita saxena Kamla patva with me attended the event
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6th episode in trinity school of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ Farida Kaul Rajlaxmi Maheshvari Chanda sharma purnima raut attended with me
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Fifth episode of Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao in gov girls school khajrana indore , myself with dr Archana Shrivastav sunita Saxena & firdose Nahid talked with girls & covered all points about protection ,awareness from sexual abuse
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Forth episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in Sai Kripa colony , Asha Jakad Sudha Chauhan nilam Jat with me covered all points about Saftey precautions to be taken by girls , this is awareness campion of TCWG against sexual abuse
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Third episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ at velocity public school , this is awareness program against sexual absuse with girls , prerna shentre Sushma Malik sandhya Panchayti with me talked with school girls on what is sexual abuse , how u can protect yourself , whom u should inform when attacked , what is safe & unsafe touch . Special thanks to principal sarala Shrivastava
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Second episode of बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ in atridebi school , this is a awareness movement against sexual abuse , this time myself rekha jain sunita bansal purnima raut as core group covered all points , rekha jain distributed uniforms to 51 girls
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Thalassemia Free India
We all will get our blood test done before getting married to know our thalassemia status - this oath was taken by all students of Shubhadeep nursing college on the occasion of thalassemia awareness program . Dr Kishore chandki chief advisor of TCWG presented details on thalassemia by a PPT this event was arranged with the help and support of Accamma Vergis principal and mr Mukesh Goswami director of Shubhadeep college , this was our 51 st program purnima raut proposed vote of thanks dr Manish saxena was also there with us
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TCWG honoured 12 talented girls of class5,4,&3 of Atridevi primary school in Beti bachao Beti Padhao project.
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Women & child development minister(M.P.) Maya singh visited
18th foundation day of the TCWG was celebrated in presence of Maya Singh state minister for woman child development. She appreciated social activities of group. Medicines to various thalassemia patients, honored life members , donated ten fans to Atridevi school , talk show among eight ladies groups subject was – "effect of social media on women and children".
Clean India Movement (Swachh Bharat Abhiyan)
आओ बदले अपना देश – बनाये मन का कानून
प्रोजेक्ट का प्रारंभ संस्था ने दि. 5-11-2014 को इंदौर शहर की छप्पन दुकानों पर सफाई अभियान चलाकर किया | युवा फोरम के प्रदीप भंडारी, जय राणा, पूर्णिमा राउत, प्रेरणा शेंगे, चंदा शर्मा, सुनीता बंसल, पुष्पलता जोशी, सहित कई सदस्यों ने कचरा उठाकर कचरा पेटी में डाला | संस्था नें एक बड़ा होर्डिंग भी लगवाया जिस पर मन के कानूनों को दर्शाया गया था |
इसके बाद गोद लिए अत्री देवी विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों के साथ स्कूल कि सफाई की गई| विभिन्न चौराहों पर सफाई के लिए प्रेरित करने वाले पर्चों का वितरण किया गया | दि. १४ फरवरी २०१५ को नेहरू स्टेडियम पे स्वच्छ भारत अभियान के अंतर्गत म.प्र. का सबसे बड़ा कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया | इसमें १४२ विद्यालयों के करीब २३००० विद्यार्थियों सहित हजारों व्यक्तियों ने हिस्सा लेकर मन का कानून बनाये |
मन के कानूनों कि शपथ केबिनेट मंत्री श्री कैलाश विजयवर्गीय जी ने दिलायी | पूरे कार्यक्रम को ओला केब्स ने प्रायोजित किया | ओला केब्स के वाईस प्रेसिडेंट श्री अरविन्द सिंघाटिया विशेष रूप से उपस्थित थे| NCC के हजारो केडेट् के साथ ब्रिगेडियर राजन कोचर विशेष अतिथि थे |
सभी विद्यार्थियों ने स्वच्छता पर स्लोगन लिखी तख्तियों को पकड़ा हुआ था | सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्लोगन "प्रकृति के दुश्मन तीन- पाउच पन्नी पोलीथिन" को पुरस्कृत किया गया | प्रसिद्ध गायक रॉक स्टार
चिंतन बाकीवाला ने गीत प्रस्तुत किये | विशेष सहयोगियों को सम्मानित किया गया | कार्यक्रम का संचालन प्रदीप भंडारी ने किया |
बनाये गए मन के कानून हैं -
कानून न. 1 - आज के बाद हम कभी भी, कहीं भी सड़क पर कचरा नहीं फेकेंगें |
कानून न. 2 - हम सप्ताह में एक दिन अपने घर के सामने की सड़क को और एक दिन अपने मोहल्ले को साफ़ करेंगे |
कानून न. 3 - हम हमेशा कचरा, कचरा पेटी में ही डालेंगे | यदि कोलोनी में कचरा पेटी नहीं है तो उसे जन सहयोग से
लगवाएंगे |
कानून न. 4 - यात्रा पर जाते समय एक खाली थैला स्वयं के द्वारा उत्पन्न कचरे को एकत्रित करने के लिए अवश्य ले जायेंगे |
Man Ka Kanoon (Clean India)
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Man Ka Kanoon part 2 (Clean India)
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Manpasand HASYA yoga club decided with me today morning - they will not throw garbage on road inspired by TCWG Man ka Kanun campion
The Campaign is about cleaning the mess created by us by gifting a dustbin to those who litters or to the premise owners where people litters like Shops, Schools and outlet etc.
Go gift a dustbin and join our hands to transform india to clean india.
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Man ka Kanun part 2 in Umia college rau NCC camp
Man ka Kanun part 2 in Umia college rau NCC camp . 600 cadets took oath about not throwing garbage on road . Captain Sanjay Sohani & other officers with dr Chandki kanta Kala Seema Johar Sunayna Sohani also participated .
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Spread Information Eradicate disease – 7th May 2015
TCWG organized a program "Spread information Eradicate" disease in collaboration with IMS & Red Cross Society Indore on 7 May 2015. The program was inaugurated by Thalassemia expert Dr. V.P. Chaudhary from Faridabad, Senior journalist Rajesh Badal of Rajya Sabha TV & Dr. D.P. Singh, Dr. P.N. Mishra were also present.1200 students from 25 colleges participated. Everybody present in the event took a oath for joining the hands to fight deadly disease thalassemia.
All the students decided to go for a blood test to know their thalassemia status. Dr. V.P. Chaudhary presented detailed information about disease through PPT. Group of artists from Bhopal performed a play "Rakt Dosh" on Thalassemia. Aim of event was "Let us join hands to fight thalassemia".
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Celebrated no tobacco day – 31st May 2015
TCWG and Virtual Voyage college indore organized awareness event in C-21 Mall on 31st May to motivate people not to use tobacco. Students of Virtual Voyage college, enacted a play on cancer.
The aim of which was to educate public about bad effect of tobacco. A mass signature campaign which involved more than one thousand people from the city to voice support against tobacco was also conducted.
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Releasing 10th Edition of Khushbu – 17th July 2015
The 10th edition of health magazine of Thalassemia and Child Welfare Group, ‘KHUSHBU’ was released, on Friday. The magazine has been playing an important role in creating awareness about various diseases and their cure to people.
During inauguration function, the magazine editor and Group’s chairperson Dr Rajni Bhandari said that the magazine addresses various social issues and senior doctors have published their articles to share information with readers.
The group has also organized a talk show on ‘Parivartan Ki Bayaar Acche Din Kya Hua, Kya Hona Chahiye’ also took place during the book release. Pradip Bhandari conducted the talk show.
Members of Thalassemia and Child Welfare Group concluded the programme by distributing medicine to two young Thalassemia patients– Rahul and Payal and also gave annual school fees of two–Rani Joshi and Gauri Tiwari.
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Lecture on thalassemia in NCC camp at umia college Rau
Lecture on thalassemia in NCC camp at umia college Rau . 600students participated & decided to go for blood test before marriage to know their Thalassemia status . Thanks dr Kishore Chandki , Sanjay Sohni , Seema Johar . Kanta kala , Sunayna & all NCC officers
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Presented KHUSBHU to Chetan Bhagat in indore – 30th October 2015
It was a wonderful experience listening & meeting Chetan Bhagat today in indore . I presented him Khushbu . U can see it in his hand on stage with collector of indore mr Narhari
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Vichar vimarsh sabha on - Beti Bachao Beti padhao among TCWG members.
Beti Bachao Beti padhao was the theme 4 vichar vimarsh among all TCWG members . All were looking so good in yellow sari .
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Blood test camp at Nidan pathology
TCWG blood test camp at Nidan pathology . Patients from Khandwa Mhow Ratlam Burhanpur indore & nearby villages . Gifts & nutritious food to all . Thanks Dr Bansal Sandhya Panchayti sunita Bansal & Padma Vijyavergiya
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Poster making competition in standard public school
Poster making competition in standard public school on Beti Bachao Beti padhao with the support of principal S. P Srivastava sir & supriti madam . Thanks to farida Kaul girja pandit Purnima Raut & Firdose
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TCWG. Event on Surckchit Beti swatch Samaj
TCWG. Event on Surckchit Beti swatch Samaj . Chief guest Smt Vijya rehetker special guest Sri raghunandan sharma Smt Archana Chitnis Sri Santoes Shukla Sri vishnu Prasad Sukla Sri Rajiv sharma . Honoured thalassemic girls talented students other supporters & winners of poster making & slogan completions . Special thanks to Sri S.S Srivastav sir & orange gang . Very special thanks to team of AlmaToday . Release of theme song- written by Jaldhari Ji & sung by Chintan Bakiwala &Sarthak Kalyani
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Just to alvida 2015 at Atridevi primary school
Just to alvida 2015 TCWG organised event in Atridevi primary school . Quiz on Betu Bachao ., furniture of class room distribution of prizes to winners & dairy milk to all , thanks to Kanta Pokhana & abhas lohia 4 sponsoring furniture & Sudha Jain 4 joining me
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I am sharing photo of praphull Mehra & his mother Jyoti .he is Thalassemic registered with us . Now his age is 8 . He was just two year old when he came first time to us . With regular follow up & medicines given by TCWG,S medical advisor Dr Kishore Chandki & care taken by his mother iron level of praphull is normal since jan 16 . He has stopped taking Desirox now . It's a good result of overall care . He was on this dose since last four year . My thanks to his mother & dr Chandki &TCWG above all strong will power of this child .
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He is Amru from village jalkota district khargone grandfather of Mithun suffering frm sickle cell anaemia . Today he is sixteen . When registered with us only three . I am sharing this with all of u because such a long association happened due to sincerity of a Amru ,coming regularly from a remote village to indore 4 Check up& taking medicine was not a joke . His grandson is alive due to his effort as well as help provided by TCWG . Feeling very happy when I find him leading a painless life as he is taking all medicines advised by our doctors .
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TCWG organised rally on Beti bachao Beti Padhao (17th June 2016). Chief guest Dr. Rajendra Phadke & Sri Raghunandan Sharma. Nearly 1000 girl students from 25 schools took part.
TCWG my NGO organised rally on Beti bachao Beti Padhao . Chief guest dr Rajendra Phadke & Sri Raghunandan sharma . Nearly 1000 girl students frm 25 schools . 50 Jugnu auto with banner of Beti bachao in rally . Digital media group Jan ki bat sponsored prizes . Core team Sangita Kalyani Purnima Raut seema Johar Prerna Shentre Mina shah Firdose nahid prabha Tiwari Rekha Gupta Pushplata joshi . A great successful event on BBBP
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Plantation in Masihi Kanya vidyalaya.
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Thalassemia awareness program in Ncc camp at Nehru stadium
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Plantation in Mahershi Kenya vidyalaya
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Today we donated furniture in Atridebi school in presence of Nilam Jat Sandhya Panchayti Prerna Shentre Mina shah Firdose Nahid Kanta Kala . Nilam asked questions . Thanks to all
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TWWG donated 21000₹ to mukhyamantri Sahayata kosh 4 flood victims . Cheque was handed over to Mr Kailash Sharma nagar president of BJP indore.
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FALHAR making competition with Navratri special dress code in meeting of TCWG
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Its a initiative of TCWG with PTRICA a leading news paper of india to motivate the feeling of no joy is greater than joy of giving . Thanks to R R Fuel Petrol pump for giving a wall as Neki Ki Diwar
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आज अत्रिदेवी स्कूल में एसे माता पिता का सम्मान किया जिनके सिर्फ़ लड़कियाँ हे थैलसीमीअ ग्रूप द्वारा
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Anand utsav on occasion of completion of twenty years in social work
Anand utsav on occasion of completion of twenty years in social work , chief guest senior journalist mahesh Shrivastave special guest Sumer Singh regional head union bank Shankar Lalvani Arvind Tiwari & shashidra jaldhari . Gayatri Sinha Santoes Shukla Hemant Gattani , one Nareda many doctors were facilitated fence dress for Thalassemic children 11 Th addition of Khushbu released special supportor for Khushbu including Chintan Bakliwal a famous singer were honoured
Special support by Richsoma CEO dr Richa Sharma & Keser director Hemant Gattani
Core team Khushbu Seema Johar purnima raut Asha jatad rekha jain prabha Tiwari prerna shentre sandhya Panchayti & Firdose Nahid
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We r adopting gov primary school no 124 rajmahal colony Manik bagh road
We will work here. First program is on 25 Feb Saturday 11 am . We will try to fulfill all its requirements gradually . Kanchan gidvani our member is Parshad of this area . Kanta Pokhana will be project chairman. Firdose purnima raut Pushpa Agrawal Sunita Bansal Chanda Sharma Kanta Kala rekha jain Sudha Chauhan Nilam Jat sandhya Pachayati will be members in this project . Gaytri Sinha madam will be chief advisor in this project . I invite all members to join me on 25 Feb 11am at gov primary school no124 rajmahal colony Manik bagh road . This is near Triveni colony just behind seven banglow
TCWG started activities in sixth school adopted recently
TCWG started activities in sixth school adopted recently . Slogan competition on Beti Bachao. Beti Padao , selected ten best slogans to be on boundary wall of school to promote this project. Kanta pokharna is project I charge & gaytri Sinha chief advisor
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Thalassemia awareness event in NCC camp Mhow
Thalassemia awareness event in NCC camp Mhow . All cadets decided to go for blood test to know their thalassemia status before marriage .a carrier should not marry another carrier .only prevention is better than cure
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Thalassemia Adopted School
Donated ten ceiling fans to school adored by TCWG, general knowledge guestion answer event for students, prizes to winners , chief guest mr Anil Soni, Pushpa Agrawal sandhya Panchayati Chandrakanta jain purnima raut firdose Nahid & staff of school attended program.
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All participants of "Mr & Miss Indore 2017" have decided to get their blood test done before marriage, thanks to Sarabjit Singh Arora of Mycityevents
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Thalassemia Bone Marrow Transplant/Stem Cell Therapy Update !!!
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Very successful camp at Nidan pathology for thalassemia patient , did all test free of 25 patients , thanks to Monica jadhvani for sponsoring fruity& chips for them & purnima raut Pushpa Agrawal sunita bansal sandhya Panchayati 4 attending & helping , special thanks to dr Rajesh bansal of Nidan pathology
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Thalassemia Bone Marrow Transplant/Stem Cell Therapy Update !!!
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Look test camp on 8 May 2017 Thalassemia Day.
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Workshop on stress management key note speaker Sri Vaishnav Vishvas.
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TCWG organised very successful HLA matching camp with the help of Dr J S Arora from delhi . Matching of 18 patients done with their brother sister , gifts to all by prashi lakhlani , breakfast by Archana Goenka , food to all by Hardip Singh mac , guest of honour Kartar Valvani director of RBD group special thanks to dr Kishore chandki & members of TCWG who attended the patients & their parents
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विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस
पेड़ो से पूछा मैंने……
यू ही एक रोज़,
क्यों नहीं है तुम में अब वो पहले जैसा जोश?
क्यों नहीं बैठ कर तुम्हारे नीचे,
नहीं आती वो पहले जैसी बात?
जब शाम ढला करती थी ….
न जाने हो जाती थी कब रात?
क्यों नहीं अब कर पाती, मै फिर से तुमसे बात?
मस्ती भी अब छूट गयी,जब होती है बरसात |
सुनकर मेरी व्यथा को मुझसे,पेड़ थोडा मुस्कुराया,
फिर प्यार से उसने हंसकर मुझपर, हवा का झोंका एक लहराया…..
बोला धीमे से मेरे कान में -सुनो मेरे बदलने का वो राज़,
जिसको सुनकर हंसेगा सारा, निर्दय मानव समाज |
जोश मेरा वो पहले जैसा खोया यंही है देखो …….
“प्रदूषण” के काले धुएँ से ,बिखरे रंग अनेको,
मै क्या करता धीरे-धीरे ,कच्ची हो गयी मेरी शाख,
नाम का पेड़ बनकर रह गया अब ,रखता हूँ “Museum ” में सजने कि एक आस ||
Its not about only save trees, increase plantation, its all about life which needs pure oxygen , less pollution to survive , to grow, this is how can we save environment in right manner..
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Distribution of medicines to thalassemia patients at district hospital Dewas with help if Netco farma, thanks to kamala patwa Pushpa Agrawal Purnima raut for joining this activity , special thanks to jyoti of hospital for arranging this fruitful activity.
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One of the most sacred thing a man can do is saving life of others. It leaves an everlasting impact on ones soul and fills you with pride.
One pint of blood can be used to save three lives which our body regenerates in a couple of hours !
Today on blood donation day , it is your chance to change the world .
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Thalassemia awareness event in NCC camp of 2 nd armed squad on the occasion of blood donation day , dr chandki spoke on thalassemia & instructed the cadets to get their blood test done before marriage ,I spoke on importance of blood donation , thanks to captain pandit & captain Vyas
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Laughter yoga class by Ramkishan ji & his team in our meeting
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Plantation in holker science college by TCWG Members
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Donated RO in adopted school - Gov school no 124
Donated RO in adopted school - Gov school no 124 Smt Kanta Agrawal sponsored this to us , Hardip Singh mac was chief guest , our members Chanda sharma prerna shentre Saroj bhatia sunita Saxena Archana shrauvastava chandrakanta jain purnima raut sandhya Panchayti Firdose Nahid did plantation in school , we honoured Kanta Agrawal for donating RO Saroj bhatia donated 2500₹ for furniture
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Program in Choitram college of Nursing
Program in Choitram college of nursing on 4 thanks to Sudha Chauhan Asha Jakad Farida Kaul for judging the skit competition & purnima 4 joining with Rajni Bhandari
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TCWG organised Chintan Beithak on topic विडीओ गेम्ज़ के चक्रव्यूह में उलझा बाल मन
TCWG organised Chintan Beithak on topic विडीओ गेम्ज़ के चक्रव्यूह में उलझा बाल मन ADJ police mr Varun Kapoor was chief guest , twelve students from class 5 to college participated , gifts to all & special gift to best presentation dr renu sinha was there to judge ,dr Archana Shrivastav did Samiksha Firdose conducted the event purnima raut proposed vote of thanks dr rajni bhandari co ordinated the event
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TCWG did lokarpan of nursary in government school no 124 adopted
TCWG did lokarpan of nursary in government school no 124 adopted by us dr Preti Agrawal was chief guest members present were prerna Shintre firdose Nahid purnima raut chanda sharma sandhya Panchayti Farida Kaul.
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Unbeliable he was just six when he came first time to TCWG now
Unbeliable he was just six when he came first time to TCWG now he is 18 a young boy with care of his grandfather & medicinal support by us he is leading a healthy life Yes he is a patient of suckle cell anemia he is Mithun
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Distribution of cake drawing copy colours biscuits to students of nursary class in school no 124 on the occasion of birthday of vanya grand daughter of sandhya Panchayti its a event of TCWG
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Free blood test camp for thalassemia patient done at Nidan pathology , aim was -आओ ख़ुशियाँ बाँटे Payal Jadhav & Mayank Tharani came first in poem singing , snacks to all
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TCWG is worried about increasing no of rape cases & cases of sexual abuse with teen age girls so we started a awareness campian Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao
TCWG is worried about increasing no of rape cases & cases of sexual abuse with teen age girls so we started a awareness campian Beti bachao Beti padhao aur use samjhao , girls of class 6 to 8 of gov school no 124 attended the first session , I informed them about safe & unsafe touch , Farida Kaul about tricks to defend when attacked by some body , chanda sharma about what small things should be in school bags of every girl to defend in such situation & purnima raut about what can be the act by close relatives to trap girls , over all we touched every aspect by simple conversation ,
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Massage by samel whom we have helped financially in stem cell transplant - Dear madam. 200 days completed. All the reports are normal. Doner matching is 100%. There is no danger now. Medicine reduced by 50%. Restrictions regarding food , coming out from home doing regural exercise, playing with one or two freinds lifted. The first milestone crossed. Till waiting for another 6months to get fully normal. Regards debasisha
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We TCWG organised HLA matching camp with help of SEVA Bharti for thalassemia patients . Dr dinesh Bhurani of rajiv Gandhi hospital delhi with his team attended as an expert of BMT , 17 thalassemia patients with their healthy sibling attended camp & sample of 36 were collected for HLA match , special thanks to navrtan Sanskar group 4 providing breakfast packets , rashmi Vadhvani 4 gifts & Dipika Namdev for chocolate boxes , special thanks to Mahendra jain of seva Bharati for making payment of tests , special thanks to dr bhajan Lal Bhurani Vedant hospital sunita Saxena purnima raut firdose Nahid prerna shentre for helping in arranging it
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Donated furniture to class two in school no 124 adopted by TCWG financial help by Farida Kaul shakun jain Asha Jamval purnima raut rekha jain Kanta Agrawal firdose Nahid Chandrakanta jain Prerna shentre Asha Jakad sunita saxena firdose Nahid sushma Malik Padma Vijayvergiya & rajni bhandari chief guest Smt pushpa shrivastava
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Our camp of thalassemia day , many patients from Dhar indore Khandwa betma Mandleshvar participated , their all tests done free of cost , food packets for all were sponsored by Archana Shrivastav , ice cream by Nagendra singh , bath towel by savita Saraf ,pushpa agrawal chanda sharma Farida Kaul sandhya Panchayti attended the camp dr rajni bhandari conducted the event
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Feeling happy again Uttam Söni is finally going to delhi for BMT he is 12 year old thalassemia patient total 15 lakhs will be deposited in hospital & three months stay in delhi of all four need a big amount nearly two lakhs after BMT are needed for his test & medicines . Three lakhs we got from PM relies fund ten lakhs from coal india TCWG is giving a chaque of Two lakhs in this way total 15 lakhs I am also giving him ten thousand RS cash as rent of room in delhi where he will stay for three months 5000₹ donated by vijya Shrivastav of Savitri charitable trust 3000₹ by bhini Shrivastav 2000₹ by Rajlaxmi mahesvari please read my post carefully & try to feel my feeling which says god is great& selfless service to mankind is bigger than any thing else I will welcome help by anybody as we need two lakh more
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As informed by us to all of you that Uttam Söni is in delhi for BMT . All tests of him& his brother Arpit who is donating bone marrow to him are done . He has been admitted in bone marrow unit of rajiv gandhi hospital delhi today I am sharing his pictures with me with dr dinesh bhurani who is head of BMT team his father & technical expert before going to BMT unit , he needs wishes of every body
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A great successful event of TCWG students made ten films on बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ और उसे समझाओ first film yet another safe girl second film life in motion third arvi & forth film by hardik jain got cash prize plus certificate TCWG honoured parents with singe girl child of talent higher secondary school Vandana Mehta won in माँ बेटी सबसे अच्छी purnima raut conducted the event sunita saxena proposed vote of thanks Whole event took place in presance of Raghunandan sharma ji Raja bundela ji & Mahendra Sisodia ji Macc institute was our working partner special thanks to jayesh tiwari Rakhi Chandel & judges Rachana Johri dr Rita chandki prof rajiv sharma
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Really feeling motivated , honoured by Netaji Subhash march for my long & continuous social work in presance of Anand Mohan Mathur ex minister Rameshwar patel ex Mla Satyanarayan patel & many dignataries thanks to Madan Parmalia for considering my name
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Celebrated friendship day in gov school no 124 donated furniture for class three neha jara chanda Yadwa Abhishek Solanki mahesh suryavansi got cash prizes by answering the questions Archana shrivastav distributed copies , Farida Kaul purnima raut Chanda sharma Sunita saxena pushpa agrawal attended the program with me
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Free test camp on Bal divas at Nidan pathology it was Bal divas celebration with thalassemic children gifts to all & prizes to those who answered the questions , every test including serum Ferratin ,x ray eco cardiogram as advised by needy patients done fee of cost thanks to Farida Kaul Mina shah Manorama agrawal sandhya Panchayti for attending it
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Presented Khushbu to sri Digvijaysingh ji -a senior leader & ex chief minister of M P very humble very positive human being , thanks a lot mr singh
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Distributed towels water bottles & apple to patients of thalassemia care centre in Chacha nehru hospital indore Anjul kansal sunita saxena purnima raut & myself organise this activity to spend last day of year 2018 with them as TCWG is working for thalassemia
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TCWG is donating 11000₹ to ashverya joshi - a thalassemic patient registered with us since last ten years , recently his stem cell transplant done we r praying for his disease free life
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Thanks a lot Subhangi sharma director of calipso parlour for judging hair style competition of TCWG members & thanks to Smt Archana chitle for joining us to judge our ekl Natak on subject - new ways to empower women in new year , winners are dr Archana shrivastav Babita saxena & dr Anjul kansal , winners of hair style are sandhya Panchayti rajni bhandari and prabha tiwari , thanks to purnima raut sunita saxena .firdose Nahid proposed vote of thanks once again thanks to our judges shubhangi sharma and Archana chitle
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Water purifying system donated and installed by us TCWG in gov higher sec school chitavad
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Pledge Awareness Spread Awareness
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TCWG organised free blood test camp at Nidan pathology chief guest sri hemant Gattani serum ferritin CBC shot cardiogram done if many thalassemic patients food packets given to all by Archana shrivastav gifts to all.by TCWG purnima raut prerna shentre Farida Kaul chandrakanta jain attended with me this camp
We honoured mothers of thalassemic patients also in this camp
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Vote Apeal - Make a change
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Slogan writing on save water amongst TCWG members Anjul Kansal first prerna shentre second lucky draw to Pushplata Kansal
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Hoarding for motivating students to get their blood test done before getting married : thanks to DAVV for giving us place and permission specially VC dhakad sir and dr Dipeek Mehta sir special thanks to JKB our social media partner please follow massage in real life also as Prevention is always better than cure
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Dancing is a good exercise as well as way to reduce tension TCWG made it a way of social cause . All danced together to draw public attention towards need of knowing thalassemia status before marriage and keeping precaution not to marry another carrier if ur a carrier of thalassemia . Chief guest lion anil Khandelwal special guest Abhinav hardia special thanks to Choitram college of nursing students for maximum participation this was a really good effort made by all
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We planted twenty plants of flowers in chacha nehru hospital indore. Purnima raut firdose Nahid sunita saxena sunita bansal sunita agrawal prerna shentre Chanda sharma Anjul Kansal all members of TCWG
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Hepatitis Infection is deadly for Thalassemia patients
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Met today with governor of MP sri Lalji Tandon discussed with him our work invited him in our program presented him khushbu feeling proud and happy
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हमने आयोजित किया सुंदरकांड थैलसीमीअI के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए हमें १८ संस्था की सदस्यों ने साथ रहा
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हमने आयोजित किया सुंदरकांड थैलसीमीअI के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए हमें १८ संस्था की सदस्यों ने साथ दिया और हमारे साथ निश्चय किया अपने बच्चों और उनके बच्चों का शादी से पहले ब्लड टेस्ट कर वाने का पंडित विवेक थककर ने सुंदरकांड का पाठ किया हमारी संस्था की ट्रेज़रर पुष्पा अग्रवाल ने ५००००₹ का चेक सरकारी स्कूल में स्मार्ट क्लास के फ़र्निचर के लिए दिया रेखा दुबे अंजुल कंसल वीना Saxena पुष्पलता जोशी सुधा चौहान प्रेरणा शेंड्रे असिता शर्मा रोज़ीना कर्णावत आशा जाकड़ पूर्णिमा राउत चंदा शर्मा सुनिता Saxena सुनिता अग्रवाल मनोरमI अग्रवाल का विशेष सहयोग रहा
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Thalassemia awareness program in school of commerce DAVV PPT presentation on thalassemia by dr kishore chandki aim of event to motivate students for blood test before marriage
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Thalassemia carrier detection camp at school of commerce with help of nidan pathology thanks dipak and kamlesh from nidan fir blood sample collection and abhinav hardia of school if commerce fir motivating students 28 blood test done
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Free blood test camp and bal divas celebration by TCWG 20 thalassemia patients beniffted serum ferritin eco done chandni komal sandhya prafful shavan monu nitin all participated in open mike and expressed their feelings gift and nashta given to all celebrated burthday of nitin and nikhil khare both twins and both thelessemic prerna shentre purnima raut chandrakanta jain attended thanks nidan pathology for supporting
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Dr Rajni Bhandari participated in discussion on issue of Rape
Today we distributed blankets to 12 thalassemic patients in chacha nehru hospital thanks to mina mittal for donating these and chanda for company here are photos
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निर्भया को इंसाफ पर समाजसेवियों ने जताई खुशी सुनिए समाजसेवी रजनी भंडारी ने क्या कुछ कहा..
TCWG organised blood test camp at nidan pathology, in it all required blood tests for thalassemia patients done , dr rajesh bansal delievered a short note about saftey measures from corana , in this free test camp we distributed ration packets to all forty patients , pushpa agrawal sunita bansal attened this camp with me , thanks everyone who contributed in this noble activity
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आज चाचा नेहरू हॉस्पिटल में जाकर सात बच्चों के पेरेंट्स को राशन पक्केट्स दिए कल भी तीन बच्चों को दिए थे
जिस दिन कैम्प था उसी दिन भी कैम्प के बाद चाचा नेहरू में भर्ती सात गरीब thalassemia बच्चों को मेने खुद जाकर राशन पक्केट्स दिए थे चार बच्चे मेरे घर से आकार ले गए थे
02 June 2020
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Distributed ration packets today to seven patients admitted in chacha nehru hospital
03 June 2020
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Given ratiin packet to rohit in thalassemia care centre of chacha nehru hospital 05 June 2020
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Distributed saftey kits containing soap in soapcase , sanitizer, mask and hand towel to thalassemic patients in chacha nehru hospital , these kits will be given daily to all patients coming for blood transfusion in CNBC indore , thanks pushpa agrawal for coming with me
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Today also distributed saftey kits to thalassemia patients in chacha nehru hospital indore
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Today also distributed saftey kits to thalassemia patients in chacha nehru hospital indore - 10 July 2020
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Distributed saftey kits containing soap mask senitizer and towel to all thalassemic patients admitted in thalassemia care centre of chacha nehru hospital today
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पच्चीस पेड़ लगाए - पेड़ लगायें हरियाली बढ़ायें के उद्देश को सार्थक करते हुए हमारी संस्था थैलसीमीअ। एंड चाइल्ड वेल्फ़ेर ग्रूप इंदौर ने चाचा नेहरू बाल चिकित्सालय में पोधारोपन आयोजित किया पहला पेड़ हॉस्पिटल incharge डॉक्टर हेमंत जैन ने लगाया डॉक्टर प्रीति मालपानी डॉक्टर प्राची दीक्षित ने भी पेड़ लगाए ग्रूप की प्रेसिडेंट डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने बताया इस दिन की विशेष बात थैलसीमीअ पीड़ित बच्चों और उनके माता पिता से भी पेड़ लगवाये गए , पूर्णिमा राउट और चंदा शर्मा सहित हॉस्पिटल के स्टाफ़ ने भी पेड़ लगाए , एरेक पाम चाइना रोज़ चम्पा चेमेली के पच्चीस पेड़ लगाए डॉक्टर भंडारी ने कहा की पिछले साल भी बीस पेड़ यही लगाए थे सभी बड़े हो गए
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Post diwali celebration in chacha nehru hospital indore distributed snack packets to 25 patients who were admitted in day care centre for blood transfusion. Chanda sharma and purnima raut supported this event by their presence and monika jadhvani by sponsoring the packets
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Distribution of bath towels to thalassemia patient in chacha nehru hospital
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आज हमारी संस्था थैलसीमीया एंड चाइल्ड वेल्फ़ेर ग्रूप इंदौर ने चाचा नेहरू हॉस्पिटल में भरती आठ थैलसीमीया मरीज़ बालिकाओं को सलवार सूट के कपड़े भेंट किए इस अवसर पर सफ़ाई कर्मी छै महिलाओं को भी इनाम के रूप में कपड़े दिए गए इन सभी ने बहुत अच्छा कार्य किया डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने बताया की हमारी संस्था बच्चियों के स्वस्थ जीवन यापन में भी अपना सहयोग करती है विगत पच्चीस वर्षों से ये सिलसिला चल रहा है ये सभी सूट गीता टंडन के सौजन्य से मिले इस अवसर पर पूर्णिमा राउट और पुष्पा अग्रवाल उपस्थित थी
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We-TCWG organised seminar on happiness dr mahendra singh hora was chief speaker, he explained how we can control our happiness , mrs hora danced with all members to feel them happiness , prerna shentre and sharada gupta were winners in lucky draw and beauty in black , i myself dr rajni bhandari conducted the event and purnima raut proposed vote of thanks
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नारी शक्ति सम्मान 2021 हेतु ऑफिसियल सूचना
आपके कार्यों , कर्तव्यनिष्ठा, परोपकारी भाव,व कुशल नेतृत्व से महिला वर्ग में आपकी एक अनूठी पहचान है,आपने राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर महिलाओं के उत्थान हेतु स्वयं को समर्पित किया है।
स्वर्ण भारत- महिला शशक्तिकरण बोर्ड द्वारा आपको द मोस्ट इंस्पायरिंग वीमेन ऑफ इंडिया के तहत नारी शक्ति सम्मान 2021 से राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में पुरस्कार हेतु अंतिम रूप से चयनित कर लिया गया है । राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार चयन समिति व स्वर्ण भारत परिवार के बोर्ड ऑफ ट्रस्टी की तरफ से आपको हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं देते हैं ।
कार्यालय द्वारा आपको शीघ्र ही कॉल करके सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रम विवरण दिया जाएगा। साथ ही 2 मार्च को कॉन्फ्रेंस के द्वारा देश के प्रमुख्य मीडिया चैनल व समाचार पत्रों में आपके द्वारा किये गए कार्यों को उनके समक्ष रखा जाएगा ।
आपको पुनः हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं, हम आपके स्वागत अभिनंदन हेतु प्रतीक्षारत हैं।
सादर प्रणाम
Plantation done today in chacha nehru hospital by TCWG members . Dr hemant jain incharge of chacha nehru hospital was the chief guest , purnima raut dr rajni bhandari pushpa agrawal firdose nahid chanda sharma sandhya Panchayati babita singhal prerna shentre all members of TCWG planted one tree each . Mr khalil ahmed and mrs rashmi kamhare were also attended the event as guest
TCWG organised online poster making competition on subject - life with corona - here are winning posters 1st Dixita kapadia , 2 iti dubey , 3 sejal bagda
Thanks a lot mr murlidhar rao , sri mohan yadaw , sri raghunandan sharma and dipak joshi ji - all political dignataries for attending our silver jubli celebration- Ananta . 13 th edition of khushbu was released. Members participate in get up of freedom fighter women , poem writing on - मेरी नज़रों में आज़ादी के मायने honoured all doctors, advertisers and other supporting parson , students fromm NCC welcome all guests . Large gathering and very good media coverage by print and electronic media , this was silver jubli celebration event of thalassemia and child welfare group .
Today is bday of my daughter in law sagarika so i distributed cadbury to all patients staff and doctors of thalassemia ward today
Diwali celebration in thalassemia day care centre of chacha nehru hospital , distributed sweets cake banana fuljhadi soft toy towel drawing copy crayon pencil rubber pencil steel plateand diya to each patient admitted today for blood transfusion. Thanks prerna shentre purnima raut firdose nahid Farida kaul kanta pokharna chanda sharma sandhya panchyti pushpa agrawal for sponsorship and attending the function
१४ नोवेम्बर बाल दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में निशुल्क कैम्प आयोजित
TCWG distributed wollen swetars , biscuits cakes and chocolates to all thalassemia patients in chacha nehru hospital indore , thanks padma Vijayvergiye for sponsoring and prerna shentre purnima raut and pushpa agrawal for joining
Yesterday mr om birla - loksabha speaker was in indore . I met him and gave him Modi Vijaygatha written by pradeep my son and also a publication of TCWG - khushbu thanks a lot Shankar lalvani ji for making it possible
Distributed snackes and gifts to all patients of thalassemia ward in chacha nehru hospital, also givin kardigans to all mahila safai karmi of ward
This was a HLA matching camp organised by chacha nehru hospital yesterday in which hla of 130 patients with their brother sister matched for BMT , TCWG provided breakfast to all 330 patients and their parents and we decided to give 21000₹ to each patient who will be selected for BMT in this camp
११ साल की नियति जैन की किड्नी transplant के लिए हमारी संस्था thalassemia and child welfare group ने १७५००₹ का चेक दिया
Let us make indore and india thalassemia free till 2025
Prevention is better than cure
कल ८ म ई thalassemia डे के अवसर पर आज thslassemia and child welfare ग्रूप इंदौर और चाचा नेहरू bal चिकित्सकसलाया में ये कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया पीड़ित बच्चों के जन्म को रोकंने के लिए ग्रूप लगातार प्रयास कर रहा है , प्रेसिडेंट डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने बताया कि कैम्प में आए चालीस बच्चों के माता पिता ने आज ये शपथ ली की वो अपनी पूरी फ़ैमिली के मेम्बर्ज़ का स्क्रीनिंग टेस्ट करवायेंगे और अगर कोई महिला pregnant होती है तो उसका भी antinatel टेस्ट ज़रूर करवायेंगे । यही दो प्रयास ज़रूरी है thalssemia फ़्री इंदौर बनाने के लिए डॉक्टर प्रीति मालपानी ने BMT की जानकारी दी , डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने सभी पेरेंट्स को शपथ दिलवाई इस अवसर पर डॉक्टर धर्मेश दुबे भी presant थे , सभी बच्चों को पौष्टिक आहार दिया गया , बच्चों को गिफ़्ट्स भी दी ग ई
Honoured male and female nurses of thalassemia ward of chacha nehru hospital today - world nurses day
Let us make india and indore Thalssemia free till 2025 इसी थीम को लेकर thalassemia and child welfare group की मेम्बर्ज़ मिली . निश्चित किया की सभी अपने कॉलोनी में इस संदेश को प्रसारित करेंगी की शादी से पहले ब्लड की जाँच करवा कर अपनी थैलसीमीअ रिपोर्ट पता करे , संस्था की प्रेसिडेंट डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने कहा इस वर्ष उनका aim प्रिवेन्शन पर ज़्यादा है , कुछ गेम भी रखे गए थे , संयोजक पुष्पलता कंसल ज्योति निकम और सीमा कोटेस्थाने थी विजेता रही सुधा चौहान रेखा दुबे
He is mithun registered with us when he was six only now he is 22 studying in BA first year , he is sickle cell patient only brother of his four normal sisters , due to punctuality of his grand father he is coming very regularly for blood test and taking medicine, he lives in a remote village near indore dr rajni bhandari
थलस्सेमीया पीड़ित बच्चों के लिए लायब्रेरी बनाई
हर महीने रक्त चढ़वाने चार से पाँच घंटे थैलसीमीआ पीड़ित बालक डे care सेंटर में भर्ती रहते है , हमारी संस्था थैलसीमीआ एंड चाइल्ड वेल्फ़ेर ग्रूप नियमित वहाँ कार्य करती है हमने देखा कि सभी बच्चे लगातार मोबाइल पर गेम खेलते रहते है जिस से उनकी आँखो पर ग़लत प्रभाव होता है इसी बात से प्रेरित होकर संस्था ने सोचा की इनके लिए अगर लायब्रे री बनाकर इनको किताबें पढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित किया जाए तो अच्छा रहेगा . डॉक्टर प्रीति मालपानी जी के सहयोग से ग्रूप ने यहाँ लायबेरी बनाईं जिसमें ३५० किताबें रखी ग इ है कहानी की जेनरल नॉलेज की महा पुरुषों की जीवनी की रंगीन चित्रमयी कहानी की आदि बुक्स रखी है , वार्ड के अरविंद और दिलीप जब बच्चे खून चढ़ाने भर्ती होते है तो उनको बुक देते है जब वापस जाते है तो उसको अलमारी में रख देते है ग्रूप की प्रेसिडेंट डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने बताया की ये डे care cenre चाचा नेहरू बाल चिकित्सालय में है सभी हॉस्पिटल के डाक्टर्ज़ ने इस प्रयास की बहुत प्रशंसा की
डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी
प्रेसिडेंट थैलसीमआ एंड चाइल्ड वेल्फ़ेर ग्रूप
TCWGके द्वारा बनवाई ग़ई लाइब्रेरी में thalssemia पेशंट बच्चे ब्लड transfusion के समय बुक्स पढ़ते हुए ये ग्रूप का प्रयास है जिसे चाचा नेहरू बाल चिकित्सालय में शुरू किया गया है
Famous dignitaries with my book seekh
Thalassemia patients are reading books during blood transfusion in one picture mother and child both are reading
Thalassemia & Child Welfare Group is a women-led, youth-driven NGO working to save the lives of poor children suffering from incurables disease. Our primary focus is the health and education of poor children. We serve the children affected by Thalassemia, a blood-related fatal disease. We also help them get affordable quality treatment to help in
building a bright, healthy, and empowered future.
You can also visit our site;
Thalassemia children are very happy to read story books from our library which tcwg made in chacha nehru hospital indore , thanks to arvind and dilip of day care centre for taking care of everyone and everything
ये चाचा नेहरू हॉस्पिटल के थैलसीमीया वार्ड की कल के तस्वीरें है इनमे सभी बच्चे जिनको थैलसीमीया है जो ब्लड चढ़ाने आते है वह कहानी की और जेनरल किताबें पढ़ते है हमारे ग्रूप ने यहाँ लाइब्रेरी बनाई है जिसमें ३५० बुक्स रखी है हॉस्पिटल के दिलीप और अरविंद इसके incharge है जिन बच्चों ने ज़्यादा बुक्स पढ़ी है उनको हम ईनाम भी देंगे
TCWG made library in chacha nehru hospital for thalassemia children , aim was to develop habit of reading in them , these are photoes of today , they are reading story books during blood transfusion in thalassemia day care centre
See how thalassemia patients are happy to read story books from library made by us TCWG in chacha nehru bal chikitsa laya indore
Meeting of TCWG with aim - let us make indore and india thalassemia free till 2025 , sanyojak sandhya panchayti pushpa agrawal , many games on theme , lucky draw , gifts to winners
See how happy are children to read books in thalassemia day care centre , tcwg made library for them
ये बच्चे thalassemia से पीड़ित हैं और हमेशा चाचा नेहरू में ब्लड चढ़वाने आते है जब तक ब्लड चढ़ता था सभी मोबाइल पर गेम खेलते थे अब देखिए स्टोरी बुक्स पढ़ते है हमारे ग्रूप TCWG ने इस वार्ड में लाइब्रेरी बनाई और अरविंद और दिलीप की सहायता से उनको बुक्स पढ़ना सिखा दिया . अब सभी बुक्स पढ़ते है
He is dilip incharge of our library in chacha nehru hospital daily giving books to patients to read and keep back in almira see he is having register in his hand i appreciate his sincerity
Children reading books during blood transfusion
Distributed today diwali gifts- new clothes bags and T shirts to all thalassemia patients in chacha nehru hospital purnima raut was with me
Thalassemia and child welfare group ने बच्चों को दिवाली के उपहार स्वरूप एक बेग दिया जिसमें केक चोक्लेट बिस्कुट चिप्स केले ड्रॉइंग का सामान और पेन्सल बॉक्स था , ग्रूप प्रेसिडेंट डॉक्टर रजनी भंडारी ने बताया की ये गतिविधि चाचा नेहरू के थैलसीमीअ care सेंटर में आयोजित की थी विशेष अतिथि सुरेंद्र सिंह रूपाना जी थे
ग्रूप की संध्या पंचायती मीना शाह प्रेरणा सेंट्रे फ़िरदौस नहिद और पुष्पलता जोशी भी प्रेज़ेंट थी
Diwali milan meeting of TCWG enjoyed games and tambola , winners awarded sanyojak vandana verma and sushma malik
We distributed protein powder and fruits to all patients of thalassemia care centre of chacha nehru hospital our member snehlata srivastav sponsored all this
आज बच्चे कहानी पढ़ते हुए
आज बच्चो को महापुरुषों की किताबें पढ़ने को दी जिस से वो इन सबके जीवन से प्रेरणा ले सकें दिलीप का शुक्रिया
आज वार्ड में बचो को नर्सें को और माली तथा चोकीदार को नये स्वेटर दिये जो पुष्पा अग्रवाल शगुन साड़ी वाली भाभी के सौजन्य से प्राप्त हुए सभी बहुत खुश हुए शुक्रिया पुष्पा भाभी
आज हमने चाचा नेहरू हॉस्पिटल के थैलीसीमिया डे केयर सेंटर के सभी चौबीस बच्चो को बेड शीट टावल तिल गुड के लड्डू खिचड़ी और कैश दिया . अंजना बंसल द्वारा दिए गए पाँच हज़ार में हमने बेड शीट और टावल लिए और अन्य सभी चीजे पुष्पा अग्रवाल जो treasrar है उन्होंने दी
आज कांता के सौजन्य से सभी बच्चो को नई रज़ाई दी उनकी ख़ुशी असीमित थी कांता को शुक्रिया
चाचा नेहरू के वार्ड में बच्चे किताबें पढ़कर खुश है देखिए ये हमारा TCWG का प्रयास है
होली रंगों का त्योहार है और मौज मस्ती का भी
बिरज में होली ख़ेलत नंदलाल - इस थीम पर थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप ने होली मीटिंग आयोजित की
रंग गुलाल लगाया गया नाच गाना हुआ और खेल भी खेले गए
संयोजक पूर्णिमा रात बबीता सिंहल सुनीता अग्रवाल
ग्रुप प्रेसिडेंट डॉ रजनी भंडारी
विजेता रेखा जैन पुष्पलता जोशी मीना मित्तल अंजुल कंसल
इस अवसर पर पदमा विजयवर्गीय पद्म कोठारी मीना मित्तल ने एक बच्ची के बीएमटी के लिए आर्थिक मदद भी की
इस तरह मौज भी और सेवा भी के साथ मीटिंग सम्पन्न हु
बच्चों की ख़ुशी देखिए बुक्स पढ़कर - थैलीसीमिया पीड़ित बच्चे है जो ब्लड चढ़वाते समय TCWG द्वारा बनाई गई लाइब्रेरी से बुक्स लेकर पढ़ते है
हम सब अपना रक्त टेस्ट करवा कर ही शादी केरेगे
Let us make indore and india thalassemia free till 2025
रीनेसा यूनिवर्सिटी के दो सौ स्टूडेंट्स ने आज डॉ रजनी भंडारी के आवाहन पर ये शपथ ली की हम सभी शादी से पूर्व अपना ब्लड टेस्ट करवा कर अपनी थैलीसीमिया स्टेटस रिपोर्ट साथ रखेगे और अगर हम कैरीअर हुए तो हम किसी कैरीअर से शादी नहीं करेगे
पिछले २८ वर्षों से कार्यरत ग्रुप थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप ने रीनेसा यूनिवर्सिटी में ५३ वा इवेंट आयोजित किया जिसमे डॉ किशोर चांदकी ने पी पी टी के द्वारा थैलीसीमिया बीमारी के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी स्टूडेंट्स को दी , वाईस चैसलर डॉ राजेश दीक्षित नीरव जी और डॉ रजनी उँड़ियल के सहयोग से ये इवेंट आयोजित किया गया
ग्रुप द्रारा अभी एक जागरूकता अभियान चलाया जा रहा है जिसमे इलाज से ज़्यादा बचाव पर फ़ोकस करके ये संदेश दिया जा रहा है जिस से और पीड़ित बच्चो के जन्म को रोका जा सके इस अवसर पर ग्रुप प्रेसिडेंट और मेम्बर पुष्पा अग्रवाल ने डॉ राजेश दीक्षित जी को पत्रिका ख़ुशबू भेट की
थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप की अनूठी पहल
पीड़ित बच्चों के लिए बनाई सुपर स्पेशियलिटी हॉस्पिटल में सुंदर लायब्रेरी ताकि बच्चो का हो ज्ञानवर्धन
इंदौर । थेलेसीमिया पीड़ित बच्चों के लिए विगत 28वर्षो से सक्रिय संस्था थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप सेवा के साथ रचनात्मक गतिविधि भी कर रहा है ताकि पीड़ित बच्चों को चिकित्सा परामर्श ,दवाइयां के साथ इलाज भी मिले और स्वस्थ वातावरण भी।
इसी कड़ी में ग्रुप ने सुपर स्पेशियलिटी हॉस्पिटल के बोन मैरो ट्रांसप्लांट सेंटर में एक सुंदर सी लाइब्रेरी स्थापित की है ताकि पीड़ित बच्चों का ज्ञानवर्धन भी हो।ग्रुप प्रेसीडेंट डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने बताया कि इस कार्य की अनुमति डॉ. प्रीति मालपानी से चर्चा करने के बाद ही इस बिना किसी औपचारिकता के शुरू किया । अब इस लायब्रेरी का लाभ खासकर वे बच्चे ले सकेंगे जो बीएमटी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद हॉस्पिटल में करीब 1 माह तक भर्ती रहते है।
शुरुआत में 250 सेअधिक बालपयोगी और संस्कारप्रद पुस्तकों से की जा रही है जिसमे विक्रम बेताल,अलीबाबा और चालीस चोर,चालक भेड़िया,चतुर सियार,हाथी आया गाव में ढोंगी सियार,बिल्ली की करामात,भक्त प्रहलाद,अहिल्या बाई,झांसी की रानी ,महात्मा गांधी,संत रविदास जैसे टाइटल वाली पुस्तके है। सभी पुस्तको को एक अलमारी में करीने से जमा दिया और उनकी एक सूची बना ली। इस कार्य के इंचार्ज सिस्टर हेड कल्पना उपाध्याय को बनाया। हॉस्पिटल के प्रेसिडेंट डॉ. सुमित शुक्ला कहते है निशित रूप से इन पुस्तकों को पढ़कर पीड़ित बच्चो को खुशी मिलेगी और हॉस्पिटल में भी खुश रहेंगे।
डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने बताया कि हमारे ग्रुप की यह दूसरी पहल है।इसके पूर्व ऐसी ही एक लायब्रेरी चाचा नेहरू बाल अस्पताल में बनाई,जिसके सुखद परिणाम आए उसके बाद यह एक अभियान का रूप ले चुका है।
सभी बच्चे आज ब्लड चढ़वाने की पीड़ा को भूलकर कहानी पढ़ते है उनकी ख़ुशी हमारी ख़ुशी दोनों की कोई सीमा नहीं
विश्व थैलेसीमिया डे: 'थैलेसीमिया मुक्त भारत 25'
थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप ने किया खुशबू के ,14 वे अंक का लोकार्पण
विभिन्न स्पर्धाओं में विजेता बच्चो का किया सम्मान
विवाह के पूर्व युवक -युवतियों के ब्लड टेस्ट को जरूरी किया जाए
इंदौर । थैलीसीमिया पीड़ित बच्चों के लिए ,विगत 28 वर्षो से कार्य कर रही संस्था थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप ने एक आयोजन अभ्युदय निजी होटल में किया। कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि केंद्रीय सूचना आयुक्त उदय महुरकर ,प्रदेश के जल संसाधन मंत्री तुलसीराम सिलावट थे। विशेष अतिथि डॉ.सुमित शुक्ला और डॉ. प्रीति मालपानी थे।
यह जानकारी ग्रुप अध्यक्ष डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने दी। इस मौके पर अतिथियों ने खुशबू के 14 वे अंक का लोकार्पण किया और विभिन्न स्पर्धा में विजेता प्रतिभागियों को पुरुस्कार देकर सम्मानित किया।
डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने कहा कि थैलीसीमिया एक खतरनाक बीमारी है जो खून को पानी बना देती है। इस से पीड़ित बच्चों का इलाज महंगा है और वे अधिक समय तक जी नही पाते है ऐसे पीड़ित बच्चों को शिक्षा और इलाज देने का कार्य कर रही है संस्था। यदि विवाह के पूर्व युवक और युवतियां अपना ब्लड टेस्ट कराए तो बहुत हद तक भविष्य में जन्म लेने वाले थैलीसीमिया पीड़ित बच्चों को जन्म लेने से रोका जा सकता है। इस तरह की सलाह प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी अपने मन की बात कार्यक्रम में देशवासियों को से सकते है। इस का एक ज्ञापन डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने श्री महुरकर को दिया भी
अपने संबोधन में श्री महुरकर ने कहा कि थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप पीड़ित समाज के लिए अच्छा कार्य कर रही है ,इस से दूसरो को प्रेरणा लेना चाहिए।
हमारे देश में मनोरंजन के नाम पर जो गंदगी परोसी जा रही है वह नई पीढ़ी के लिए बहुत जहरीला है। ओटीटी प्लेटफार्म पर बच्चे अश्लील और फूहड़ फिल्म देख रहे है जिससे समाज में बलात्कार और अपराध की घटनाए अधिक बढ़ रही है जिसके लिए सख्त कानून बनाने की जरूरत है। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि अभिभावक बच्चों के हाथो में मोबाइल नही दे और निगरानी रखे कि वे मोबाइल पर क्या देख रहे है। मंत्री सिलावट ने भी संस्था के कार्यों की सराहना की। डॉ. शुक्ला और डॉ. मालपानी ने भी संबोधित किया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन अलका भार्गव ने किया। आभार माना कांता पोखरना ने।
कार्यक्रम में प्रेस क्लब अध्यक्ष अरविंद तिवारी ,प्रमोद टंडन, प्रवीण जोशी सहित बड़ी। संख्या में नागरिक उपस्थित थे।
आज की फोटो बच्चे कहानी की बुक्स पढ़ रहे है और ब्लड चढ़वा भी रहे है
Mother of devrath whom we gave chaque of 21000₹ for post BMT care
मेरी बेटी शिल्पा और उसके दोनों बच्चो ने थैलीसीमिया वार्ड को विजिट किया और सभी बीस पेशेंट को ट्रेवलिंग बैग वीआईपी कंपनी के गिफ्ट किये
बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया पत्रिका इंदौर धारा मुझे मालव रत्न पुरुस्कार से सन्मानित करने के लिए इंदौर धारा राष्ट्रीय मासिक पत्रिका है , २६ जून को प्रेस क्लब में आयोजित गरिमा मय प्रोग्राम में विभिन्न हस्तियों को सन्मानित किया गया था , उस दिन मैं इंदौर से बाहर थी इसलिए प्रोग्राम में नहीं जा पाई थी , आज सुखद आश्चर्य तब हुआ जब प्रवीण जोशी जी ने मुझे घर आकार सनमान पत्र सौपा , ये हमारे इंदौर की ख़ासियत है , यहाँ कोई भी कार्य अनदेखा नहीं रहता , हज़ारो आँखे आपको देखती रहती है और आप सन्मानित कर दिये जाते है , शुक्रिया दिल से इंदौर धारा के सभी पदाधिकारियों का
कल की शाम बेहद ख़ास थी - अपने हाथों से पत्रिका ख़ुशबू भेंट की मेरे प्रिय कवि और रीनेसा यूनिवर्सिटी के वाईस चांसलर श्री राजेश दीक्षित नीरव जी को , साथ है अमिता नीरव जो ख़ुद भी प्रसिद्ध लेखक हैं जिनका नावेल माधवी एक अदभुद कृति है -
He is gaurav parihar , he is going home after his successful BMT we TCWG gave him a chaque of 21000₹ for post BMT care
आज बी एम टी सेंटर में छै बच्चो की छै महिलाओं की स्लीपर्स और आठ कुर्ते डोनेट किए ये सभी चीज़ कल्पना सिस्टर ने संभल कर अलमारी में रख दी हैं जिसको भी जरुरत होगी उसे दे देगीं और डिस्चार्ज होने पर वापस जमा कर ली जायेगी सभी कुर्ते पुष्पा अग्रवाल शगुन साड़ी वाली भाभी ने दी और स्लीपर हमने ख़रीद ली
श्रमजीवी पत्रकार संगठन द्वारा इंदौर गौरव अवार्ड से सन्मानित किया डॉ रजनी भंडारी को
ज़रूरी नहीं है भाई ही बहन को रक्षा का वचन दे और बहन भाई को राखी बांधे हम अगर किसी की रक्षा करने का वचन देते है उसकी मदद करते है तो उसे राखी बांधकर पर्व मना सकते है ये कहना था डॉ रजनी भंडारी का अवसर था थैलीसीमिया बच्चो के साथ राखी मनाने का वार्ड में भर्ती बीस बच्चो को संस्था के सदस्यों ने राखी बांधी और सभी को उपहार में बैग और पानी की बॉटल तथा मिठाई नमकीन केक बिस्किट और चॉकलेट दी गई पुष्पा अग्रवाल चंदा शर्मा सुषमा मलिक पूर्णिमा राउत पदमा विजयवर्गीय प्रेरणा शेन्तरे कांता अग्रवाल फ़रीदा कौल डॉ रजनी भंडारी के साथ थीं वार्ड के सभी स्टाफ को भी मिठाई बाटी गई
Best way to celebrate teachers day - by inculcating the reading habits in children- this is from thalassemia day care centre of chacha nehru hospital where thalassemia patients are reading story books from library made by us - TCWG
Rpl maheshwari college and research foundation of india jointly organised indore education fest on 23 rd September, in this well organised event many educators from india and abroad participated, few physically and few online , in this graceful event they also presented vishisht nari sanman to few selected ladies from different spheres of society and honoured them as Adishakti puruskar , i wanted to thank all those who selected my name for this award, special thanks to dr rajiv jhalani ji principal Rpl maheshwari college and indira dixit of research foundation of india , this is due to my selfless social work for health and education of children
गणपति बप्पा मौरिया- जब समस्त देश गणपति आराधना में लीन है तो हम क्यों पीछे रहें - भक्त भजन क्विज़ सभी कुछ था थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप द्वारा आयोजित इस सभा में ग्रुप प्रेसिडेंट डॉ रजनी भंडारी ने बताया संयोजक सुधा चौहान अर्चना श्रीवास्तव और पदमा विजयवर्गीय थी गणपति जी का दांत किसने तोड़ा था , उसका क्या उपयोग किया और किसने किया , गणेश जी का प्रचलित नाम क्या है - ये कुछ प्रश्न है जिनके उत्तर गणेश जी पर आधारित क्विज में देने थे विजेता रही पूर्णिमा राउत और सुषमा मलिक दूसरे गेम में जीत मिली पुष्पा राने और सुनीता सक्सेना को लकी ड्रा जीत पुष्पलता कंसल ने , सभी विजेताओं को गिफ्ट दी गई , मेंबर्स नारंगी रंग के परिधान में आई थीं
After successfully BMT we gave raunak khamra a chaque of 21000₹ for his post BMT care in pictures dr priti malpani who did his BMT is with me and in another picture his mother mamta is , raunak . Sister also undergone BMT four year back , now she is thalassemia free , raunak got hla match with his father and his healthy sister donated to him after his hla matched . This family is from bhopal
एक बार फिर सुकून और ख़ुशी एक साथ मिली हमें
राजवीर अहीरवार सागर से है और बहुत ज़्यादा ग़रीब है तीन बहनों का इकलौता १२ साल का भाई ए प्लास्टिक एनीमिया से पीड़ित था उसका बोन मैरो ट्रांस्प्लांट सफलता पूर्वक हो गया इंदौर के बी एम टी सेंटर में , डॉ प्रीति मालपनी और डॉ प्राची चौधरी की टीम ने किया . दोनों डॉक्टर्स की उपस्थिति में हमारे ग्रुप TCWG ने उसे २१०००₹ रुपये बाद की देखभाल के लिए दिये . ये हमारा चौथा पेशेंट है जिसकी BMT सफल होने के बाद हमने उसकी सहायता की है राजवीर को उसकी सात साल की बहन सोनम ने बोन मैरो डोनेट किया था
आज थैलीसीमिया डे केयर सेंटर में बच्चों के साथ प्री दिवाली सेलिब्रेशन किया सभी पच्चीस बच्चों को स्टील की थाली ग्लास कटोरी फुलझड़ी अनार मठरी बर्फ़ी लंच बॉक्स और चॉकलेट ग्रुप की तरफ़ से पूर्णिमा राउट प्रेरणा शेन्तरे सुषमा मालिक फ़िरदौस नाहिद श्रीकीर्ति जैन और कांता पोखरणा के सौजन्य से दी गई सभी बच्चों की ख़ुशी और हंसी हम सभी को ये सीखा गई की खुश रहो हमेशा और ईश्वर से शिकायत मत करो . सभी को शुक्रिया
बच्चे हमारे द्वारा बनाई लाइब्रेरी से बुक्स बढ़ रहें है
Joy of giving - program for thalassemia patients in chacha nehru hospital
We TCWG organised one progam in chacha nehru hospital indore , it was a free blood test camp and a general knowledge quiz also . Chief guest dr priti malpani motivated all parents and all patients to take their maximum care , in this camp seema kotesthane asked questions releted with bal divas to all thalassemia patients , patients who gave right answers , they got shawl as prize , chanda sharma and pushpa agrawal distributed packets of snacks to them , in the end all parents took oth with dr rajni bhandari that they will motivate all their family members and friends to do blood test to know their thalassemia status , this is the only precautionary measure to be taken to prevent thalassemia - not to marry a carrier if ur a carrier , this is possible only when u have your blood test report with u
Diwali milan of TCWG , sanyojak anjul kansal and prerna shentre games quiz lucky draw , winners sushma malik anita jain purnima raut full enjoyment
We TCWG celebrated Christmas one day before with thalassemia children - पुष्पा अग्रवाल के परिचित जो जयपुर से पधारे थे उन्होंने वार्ड को विज़िट किया और सभी तीस बचो को और उनके माता पिता को फ्रूट्स केला ऐपल और संतरे बाटें सुरेंद्र कोचर और शांति कोचर जी के साथ उनके दो रिश्तेदार भी थे हमने भी ग्रुप की तरफ़ से उनका स्वागत किया श्री कोचर जी ने ५०००₹ डोनेशन दिये जो हम bmt वाले बच्चे को जल्दी ही देगें पुष्पा अग्रवाल जी के पति श्री अग्रवाल जी भी उपस्थित थे इस गतिविधि के लिए ग्रुप की ट्रेसरार पुष्पा अग्रवाल को दिल से धन्यवाद
आज चाचा नेहरू हॉस्पिटल के थैलीसीमिया वार्ड में सभी बच्चों को राम भगवान के चरित्र के बारे में जानकारी दी और सभी को राम नाम के पट्टे दिये बेसन के लड्डू और तिल के लड्डू बाटें ये आयोजन हमने २२ जनवरी प्रभु राम के प्राण प्रतिष्ठा के दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में किया वार्ड की सभी नर्सें और ड्यूटी डॉक्टर्स को भी सभी चीजे दी सभी ने ज़ोर से बोला जय श्री राम मेरे साथ सुनीता सक्सेना पूर्णिमा राउत चन्दा शर्मा और पुष्पा अग्रवाल थी जय श्री राम
आज हमने वार्ड में भर्ती सभी बचो को अंकुर डुग्गर के सौजन्य से नये कपड़े उपहार में दिए अंकुर की मम्मी अरुण सूर्या और बड़ी बहन अपूर्वा भी उनके साथ थी इस अवसर पर हमारी मेम्बर मीना शाह भी मेरे साथ थी उन्होंने सभी को बिस्किट के पैकेट्स दिये हमारा ग्रुप डुग्गर परिवार का शुक्रिया करना चाहता है विशेषकर अंकुर डुग्गर का
Donated fifteen thousand rs chaque for post BMT care of divyansh rajput , son of yogendra singh rajput of narmadapuram , pragya singh sister of divyansh donated bone marrow, divyansh was a thalassemia patient, now he will lead a disease free life , we are helping these children since 1996
Today we distributed woollens to all patients of thalassemia ward in chacha nehru hospital thanks pushpa agrawal shagun sari wali for sponsoring all these thanks again to pushpa Agrawal treasure of group for distributing namkin packets to all
बच्चे आज ब्लड चढ़वाने की पीड़ा भूल गए बुक्स पढ़ने के कारण - ये दृश्य है चाचा नेहरू हॉस्पिटल के थैलीसीमिया डे केयर सेंटर का
This was our 56 th event under our project - MAT - movement against thalssemia at government Pre examination training centre indore - we TCWG are running this project with aim to make indore and india thalassemia free till 2025 , dr kishore chandki was chief speaker who spoke about all aspects of thalssemia dr rajni bhandari motivated all students to take a oth that they will get their blood test done before marriage and will have their thalassemia status report with them , if they are carrier of thalassemia genes thay will not marry a thalassemia carrier , this is main precaution about this disease smt alka bhargav Pricipal of PETC promised that all students will act as masenger of this cause TCWG is thankful to smt alka bhargav for giving us permission and we r also thankful to dr kishore chandki for giving time and delivering a lecture tru PPT
मुझे आमंत्रित कर सम्मानित कर श्रमजीवी पत्रकार संघ ने मुझे स्वयं पर गौरवान्वित होने का अवसर दिया चयन करता टीम को धन्यवाद आप सभी के स्नेह के प्रति आभार पुनः शुक्रिया
6 march ko seva surabhi ne sanmanit kiya
१० मार्च को देवास की इन्फॉर्म human डिजिटल चैनल द्वारा - उत्कृष्ट नारी सम्मान
ये हमारा ५७ वा प्रीग्राम था MAT - मूवमेंट अगेंस्ट थैलीसीमिया थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप इंदौर विगत कुछ सालो से ये अवेयरनेस प्रीग्राम चला रहा है इसमें कॉलेज स्टूडेंट्स को थैलीसीमिया की भयावहता से परिचित करवा कर उनको शादी के पहले ब्लड टेस्ट करवाने की सलाह दी जाती है , इंदौर कॉलेज ऑफ़ नर्सिंग में प्रिसिपल अच्छमा वर्गिस मैडम के सहयोग और कॉलेज के चेयरमैन अक्षय कांति बम की उपस्थिति में आयोजित यह ५७ वा प्रोग्राम था मुख्य स्पीकर डॉ किशोर चंदकी के डिटेल जानकारी दी ग्रुप की प्रेसिडेंट डॉ रजनी भंडारी ने सभी स्टूडेंट्स को अंत में शपथ दिलवाई सभी स्टूडेंट्स ने निश्चित किया की वो ज़रूर रक्त जाँच करवा कर थैलीसीमिया स्टेटस रिपोर्ट साथ रखेगी और दूसरे कैरीअर से शादी नहीं केरेगे संचालन डॉ अश्विन सेन ने किया और आभार वर्गिस मैडम ने माना
26 January celebration with thalassemia patients and staff asked questions of general knowledge, patients who gave right answers got prizes distributed gifts cake sweets chips biscuits fruits and goggles to all patients who came for blood transfusion in chacha nehru hospital purnima raut prerna shentre sushma malik snehlata srivastav and padma vijayvergiy of TCWG were present with me
हमारा एक अभियान चल रहा है let us make indore and india thalassemia mukt इसी दिशा में हमने कमिश्नर ऑफिस इन्दौर
में एक बोर्ड लगवाया जिसके माध्यम से हम युवाओ को विवाह पूर्व ब्लड टेस्ट करवाने और अपनी थैलेसीमिया स्टेटस रिपोर्ट रखने की सलाह दे रहे है आदरणीय कमिश्नर इंदौर डिवीज़न श्री दीपक सिंह जी और डिप्टी कमिश्नर सपना लोमवंशी जी के सहयोग से हम इस कार्य को अंजाम दे पाए
Scene from bmt centre - patients are reading books from our library -8.2.25
डॉ. रजनी भंडारी के कविता संग्रह सोच का विमोचन हुआ
थैलीसीमिया चाइल्ड एंड वेलफेयर ग्रुप का प्रेस क्लब में आयोजन
इंदौर।थैलीसीमिया चाइल्ड एंड वेलफेयर ग्रुप द्वारा विश्व महिला दिवस पर संस्था अध्यक्ष एवं लेखिका डॉ. रजनी भंडारी की दूसरे कविता संग्रह सोच का विमोचन समारोह प्रेस क्लब में आयोजित किया गया।इस मौके पर डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने कहा कि पहले कविता संग्रह सीख से मिली सराहना के बाद ही पाठको के समक्ष दूसरा काव्य संग्रह सोच प्रस्तुत है। इसमें 95 कविताएँ है जिसमें छटपटाहट भी है और उम्मीदों का संसार भी है। विचारों की उम्र बहुत अधिक नहीं होती है। सोच ही व्यक्ति को महान और छोटा बनाती है। मुख्य अतिथि वरिष्ठ कवि डॉ. राजीव शर्मा ने कहा कि डॉ. रजनी भंडारी की कविताये यथार्थ के धरातल पर लिखी गई है, जिसमें कल्पनाओ से अधिक वास्तविकताएँ हैं। ऐसी रचनाएँ पाठको को सच्चाई से साक्षात्कार कराती है और इतना साहस हर किसी में नहीं होता है।
वरिष्ठ कवि डॉ. राजेश दीक्षित नीरव ने कहा कि डॉ. भंडारी ने अपने सामाजिक दायित्वों को निभाने के साथ-साथ सुंदर रचनाकर्म भी किया है , जो सराहनीय है। उन्होंने लेखिका की रचनाओ को भोगा हुआ सच करार देते हुए कहा कि ये कविताये पाठको को हमेशा ऊर्जावान बनाये रखेगी। उन्मुक्त सोच से लिखी
रचनाओ में मानवीय मूल्यों के साथ साफगोई का भी चित्रण है। बेबाकी से बात कहने के लिए जो हिम्मत चाहिए वो लेखिका में है।
शिक्षाविद् एवं लेखिका डॉ. ममता चंद्रशेखर ने कहा कि डॉ. भंडारी की सोच में जो सकारात्मकता है उसका प्रतिबिम्ब लेखिका की रचनाओ में निहित है। सोच का केनवास जितना सुंदर होगा चित्र उतने ही खूबसूरत होंगे। डॉ. ममता ने एक आशु कविता भी सुनाई। स्वागत भाषण पूर्णिमा राउत ने दिया।
चर्चाकार डॉ. सुधा चौहान ने कहा कि सोच का संसार विराट होता है। सीधी और सरल भाषा में लिखी गई कविताएँ पाठको के मन को स्पर्श करती है। चर्चाकार आशा जाकड़ ने कहा कि डॉ. भंडारी की रचनाये भावनाओ की सुंदर अभिव्यक्ति है। जिसमे दिल की गहराई के साथ स्पष्ट्वादिता भी है। सीमाओ के परे जाकर लेखन करना सबके लिए संभव नहीं।
सोच सुधारों, दुनिया बदलो विषय पर लेखिका डॉ. संध्या रॉयचौधरी ने कहा कि महिलाएं अपनी पसंद को लेकर स्वायत हो रही है। राजनीति में महिलाओ की भागीदारी अभी भी कम है,लेकिन वोट देने में महिलाएं आगे है।
अतिथि परिचय प्रभा तिवारी और फिरदोस नाहिद ने दिया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन प्रेरणा शिंत्रे ने किया। आभार माना सुनीता सक्सेना ने। कार्यक्रम में डॉ. शरद पंडित, वरिष्ठ नेता प्रमोद टंडन, श्रीमती रेखा पंडित, श्रीमती विनीता तिवारी, डॉ. अमिता नीरव, मंजुला भूतडा सहित बड़ी संख्या में साहित्यकार और समाजसेवी उपस्थित थे।