मालवांचल विश्व विधालय, अमलतास यूनिवर्सिटी और थैले सीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप का सयुक्त आयोजन इंदौर। एक गरिमामय एवं भव्य समारोह में करीब 6500 मेडिकल स्टूडेंट्स, शिक्षक और डॉक्टर ने एक साथ शपथ लेकर वर्ल्ड रिकार्ड बना दिया। थैलेसीमिया मुक्त भारत के तहत यह आयोजन मालवॉचल विश्वविधालय में हुआ। इंदौर कमिश्नर दीपक सिंह और एडिशनल पुलिस कमिश्नर अमित सिंह के आतिथ्य में थेलिसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप की अध्यक्ष डॉ. रजनी भंडारी ने सबको शपथ दिलाते हुए कहा कि थैलेसीमिया एक बीमारी नहीं परिवार और समाज पर बोझ है। देश में करीब 5 लाख मरीज इस बीमारी से पीड़ित है, जो कष्टमय जीवन जी रहे है। अत विवाह के पूर्व सभी युवक एवं युवतियो को अपना ब्लड टेस्ट जरूर कराना चाहिए और यदि दोनों करियर वाहक है तो वे विवाह नहीं करे अन्यथा जन्म लेने वाली संतान थैलेसीमिया पीड़ित होगी। दीपक सिंह ने कहा कि सामाजिक चेतना और जागरुकता से ही इस बीमारी का बचाव संभव है। इस मौके पर विश्व् विधालय के चेयरमेन सुरेश सिंह भदोरिया, मयंक भदोरिया, वर्ल्ड बुक ऑफ रिकार्ड टीम के प्रमुख संतोष शुक्ला विशेष रूप से उपस्थित थे। कार्यक्रम का संचालन किया शुभम सिंह ने और आभार माना मालवॉचल विश्वविधालय के रजिस्टार डॉ. लोकेश्वर् सिंह जोधना ने। डॉ. रजनी भंडारी अध्यक्ष, थैलेसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप, इंदौर
आज लायंस क्लब इंटरनेशनल dist ३२३३G1 की वार्षिक कॉन्फ़्रेंस का आयोजन रवींद्र नाट्य ग्रह में किया गया ,इस अवसर पर शहर की चुनिंदा महिलाओं को लायंस प्राइड अवार्ड से सन्मानित किया गया विगत २८ वर्षों से थैलीसीमिया पीड़ित मरिजो के लिये कार्यरत डॉ रजनी भंडारी को इस अवार्ड से राज्यपाल कर्नाटक श्री थवरचन्द गहलोद जी ने मोमेंटो और सर्टिफिकेट दे कर सन्मानित किया इस अवसर पर इंटरनेशनल डायरेक्टर जितेंद्र सिंह चौहान गवर्नर लायन यश शर्मा कुलभूष्ण मित्तल सहित सभी पास्ट गवर्नर और लायंस उपनस्थित थे , डॉ रजनी भंडारी विगत २८ वर्षों से थैलीसीमिया एंड चाइल्ड वेलफेयर ग्रुप के माध्यम से सेवा कार्यों में जुटी हैं
ये देवराज है जिसका बोन मैरो ट्रांस्प्लांट हो गया है उसे ग्रुप ने मेडिसिन के लिए २१०००₹ का चेक दिया है चित्र में डॉ रजनी भंडारी और डॉ प्रीति मालपनी बच्चे और उसकी मम्मी के साथ देबू को उसकी नौ साल की बहन बबीता बी बोन मैरो डोनेट किया था
Help 12 Year Old Uttam Soni get a Bone Marrow Transplant
Uttam Soni is a 12 year old boy suffering from genetic blood disorder - Thalassemia. In Thalassemia, the body has fewer red blood cells and less hemoglobin than it should. There is no cure. Uttam has to do blood transfusion once a month, do blood tests and take expensive medicines.
Uttam's father earns Rs 8500/ month ($150/ month) as a worker in Indore's jewelry market. His mother is a house wife. Despite these difficulties, Uttam Soni has been able to study and lead a relatively normal life by being ' adopted' by Thalassemia and Child Welfare Group (TCWG) who has helped over 200 children with this disorder since their inception in 1996.
Now, Uttam has a chance to have a normal childhood and adulthood by getting a ' Bone Marrow Transplant' from his older 18 year old brother Arpit as his donor.
Thalassemia and Child Welfare Group ( TCWG) was able to secure India's leading expert Dr Dinesh Bhurani who has successfully conducted over 600 BMT procedures . In addition , TCWG secured Rs 300,000 ( $5000) from Prime Minister's Relief Fund to help Uttam.
Uttam needs funds equivalent to Rs 15,00,000 ( $250000) for the Bone Marrow Transplant procedure in New Delhi , In addition, these funds will help him stay in New Delhi for a period of 90 days after this procedure.
Uttam's positive attitude, infectious smile and love for life rub off on anyone that meets him.
Please show your generosity by donating today to help Uttam.
Go to http://thalassemia-childwelfare.org/
Click on ' Donate Now ' and contribute to secure payment gateway.
Thalassemia & Child Welfare Group is a women led ,youth driven NGO working to save lives of poor children suffering from incurables disease. Our primary focus is Health and Education of poor children.We serve the children affected from Thalassemia, a blood related fatal disease.We also help them get affordable quality treatment to help in building a bright ,healthy and empowered future.
Future of India is 'Healthy and Educated Child'.
Honesty, Responsibility, Dedication and Completion of Undertaken Project.
We work for prevention, cure and awareness of thalassemia -a fatal disease, Over 200 thalassemic patients from all over the state of MP are registered with us under this project. Organize regular blood donation camps. Arrange for required blood tests including serum ferretin and electrophorosis for thalassemic patients. Providing kelfer capsules and desirox capsules and other expensive medication for patients at highly discounted rates .
Promotion of child education in rural areas of state of Madhya Pradesh(MP). Complete medical help including tests, surgery, hospitalization, medicines to poor children suffering from incurable diseases like brain tumor, heart diseases, cancer etc. Organizing interschool competitions and awareness camps. Work for empowerment of street children. Welfare of handicapped children. Rehabilitation of child labor. Encouragement and promotion of talented students.
A residential school ' Ashraya' for street children. Ashraya is a new beginning by Thalassemia & Child Welfare group in the direction of building sustainable projects for child welfare. This project is aimed at building a Rehabilitation home and Residential School for Street children. Detailed Plan and Budget can be shared on your expression of interest.
Before sharing this news I wanted to thank GOD as without his blessings this was not possible . In my lap is Himanshu Parmar a four year old thalassemia patient son of Satish & Ranjita of village Betma . On 28 may 2017 his HLA was matched with his real brother Aditya in a camp organised by TCWG , his match was positive so dr j s arora advised us for his bone marrow transplant , so he was registered in rajiv Gandhi cancer hospital delhi for BMT , with the help of dr dinesh Bhurani & his team dr narendra Agrawal , dr rayaz Ahemad, dr Pallavi Mehta, dr Shinto Francis& dr Pragya bhandari process of BMT startled on 28 July , it was a long & risky process with so much care to be taken , we were fortunate to have with us dr dinesh Bhurani as BMT expert , after one moth stay in rajiv Gandhi Hospital three months stay in delhi in a isolated clean room in delhi near Hospital , both parents were so obidient , they followed each step very sincerely , finally now he is declared out of danger & free from thalassemia . On 6 Nov he reached betma , now he is under medication for one year with visit to delhi after every fifteen days , for us & for his parents it is like a miracle , ten lakhs we get from gov & coal india , rest three months stay in delhi of whole family , food medicines etc were arranged by TCWG & his family both , in addition to this i visited him every month in delhi . We r really feeling very happy & wanted to thank God firstly Than to all doctors secondly & to his patents for believing in me & following my instructions , this shows how faith can conquer any disease & Himanshu conquered thalassemia , now he will lead a healthy disease free life
Same organisation - thalassemia and child welfare group same hospital - rajiv Gandhi cancer hospital delhi , same team of doctors with team leader dr dinesh Bhurani , same disease thalassemia but another child - Kunj Morya age eighteen months son of vashvant& Dropati from Shajapur m p he was admitted for BMT after HLA matched with his sister Tisha for BMT , I am proudly & happyli announcing his successful recovery from thalassemia after BMT started in august 6 , completed in Nov end . He has returned home few days back as thalassemia free healthy child , financial help from coal india for BMT rest by his parents & TCWG , today my heart is filled with joy जाको राखे साइयाँ मार सके न कोय thank you GOD for helping us & giving us all support from doctors our members & society
Himanshu Parmar age four & Kunj Morya age two are under BMT in rajiv Gandhi hospital delhi I am share their pictures with this post & requesting all kind hearted people to help them.
He is gaurav parihar after successful bmt and two months stay in indore going back to his native home , i met him today in chacha nehru hospital , his parents were so happy , nothing is more satisfying than this . With our efforts and help he will lead a disease free life